

3D camera tipped for new iPhone

This render shows the same hypothetical phone in various colours.

Apple may be considering a camera designed for authentication and augmented reality for its next high-end iPhone, according to reports.

Why an AMOLED iPhone is exciting

This render from graphic designer Thadeu Brandão shows what the upcoming premium iPhone may look like.

Though it doesn't sound like an exciting upgrade, screen quality is one of the most important factors in a smartphone.

Huawei's Mate 9 flags a change

Huawei is jumping into the deep end of the phone pool with the Mate 9.

For lovers of gigantic phones, the Huawei Mate 9 is compelling choice . It's a sleek and sexy unit that feels well constructed. It's got some weight to it, but it's not too heavy considering the size. And it has a camera to die for.

Speculation mounting over 'iPhone X'

This render from graphic designer Thadeu Brandão visualises one of the most persistent rumours: that the new iPhone ...

It may only be February, but it seems like people are already getting excited about the next iPhone, which is expected to debut in September.