

Meet the boss: Tim Fung of Airtasker

It's a classic story of entrepreneurship.

Experience a problem, find a solution, then realise there's a business just waiting to be launched solving the same problem for others. At least, that's how it went for the co-founder of Airtasker, Tim Fung.

"I was moving apartments, and asked my friend to help. He runs a chicken factory and has a big truck. He helped, but said afterwards it was the fourth time someone had asked him to move in six months," says Fung.

The experience led Fung to question why we ask our (often overworked) friends and family to do help us out of a tight spot, when there are plenty of people keen for the extra cash. The solution? Airtasker.

Since 2012, the community marketplace has helped Australians make extra cash by completing tasks from the practical (office administration or shifting furniture), to the decadent (waiting in line to help someone get the latest iPhone).

As it turns out, small tasks can be big business: Airtasker's online community of over 900,000 members completes over 65,000 tasks a month, and since its 2012 beginnings Airtasker has raised $32 million in capital.


Fung's own background includes other start up stints, and – more conventionally – five years as a corporate advisor and investment banking executive at Macquarie Bank.

Fung says building Airtasker hasn't been easy.

"We were fortunate in that were able to round up angel investment from our previous investors: so we could raise $1.5 million reasonably easily soon after launch. Even with that, it was incredibly difficult. It's like a nightclub: you have no product until you have people, and vice versa. It was hard to get off the ground," he says.

He recalls pitching to a group of investors and being asked to show just how well the site could work.

"I was in a restaurant with one of our early venture capital investors. The guy said he wanted someone to come and clean his apartment. I replied that should be easy, and that I could get someone in about twenty minutes." Naturally, the request quickly escalated.

"He then said, 'We're going to play poker, so they also have to be able to deal poker, and be able to speak Mandarin.' I posted the job, and maybe I didn't have enough faith in our marketplace: we had four or five people wanting to do the job, and the guy ended up being one of our most significant investors," he says.

Today, 50 full-time staff work for Airtasker in Sydney (another twenty work in the company's Manila office).

And while the business is still in a high-growth phase, Fung says his own role at Airtasker has changed as the business is transitioning from a start up to a stand up.

"Now, I feel that much of my role is about caring about the people inside our business, and caring about the work that they do. When you're looking for a start up founder, you're often looking for a real hustler; someone who will just make sure you can get from zero to one as that is all that matters at the beginning. But now, we are moving from one hundred to one thousand to a million; in order to do that, you can't be doing the hustle every day," he says.


Name: Tim Fung

Current position: CEO and co-founder of Airtasker

Responsibilities: Although as CEO I need to be across all aspects of the business, as we've grown the company has been able to hire a really strong team to head up our core work streams: product, technology, operations and marketing. This has allowed me to focus on some of our longer term initiatives like strategy, partnerships, brand and culture.

Education: Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing, tourism and hospitality management).

Additional training/courses: I haven't done too many formal education courses since graduating, but I have taught and attended sessions in companies and institutions across technology, media, entertainment and business.

Professional associations: Founder and board member, Tank Stream Labs.

Strength: Understanding and articulating our vision, and articulating it to our team. Also, I have a healthy naivety. Being naive lets you jump in to big projects and then fight your way out which results in actually doing something, rather than "weighing everything up" and then not acting quickly enough.

Weakness: Life balance.

Management style and tips: You need to be demonstrating on the ground progress every day. But you need to be doing that through other people over time.

Work motto: A bird in the hand is worth one million in the bush.