
Congress exempts self from Obamacare repeal — add your name to stop them

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The new compromise Republican plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) contains a provision exempting members of Congress and their staff from the repeal. Yes, you heard ...
baby health care

Obamacare repeal is back: New Trump plan guts pre-existing conditions, basic benefits

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Donald Trump and conservatives in the US House have reportedly come up with a new compromise to gut the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare. Under the new Trump/Ryan plan, states would ...

Lurid Trump dossier used to get FISA warrant on Carter Page. Why weren’t we told?

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CNN is reporting that last year’s lurid dossier about Donald Trump — the one written by the former British spy — was successfully used by the FBI in order to get a ...
United Airlines criticism passenger

Tone-deaf United does it again: Will only reimburse passengers who promise not to sue

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Already reeling from the disastrous fallout from the airline knocking a passenger unconscious, breaking his nose, knocking out two teeth, and then dragging his seemingly lifeless body ...

Send a letter to your Senators: Block Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Gorsuch

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Donald Trump’s nominee to fill the vacant seat on the Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch, is moving along in confirmation hearings. Gorsuch is a right-wing ideologue, but even Senate ...

Tell Trump & GOP: My Web history and geo-location aren’t for sale

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The Republican Congress has passed legislation, that Trump has promised to sign, repealing Obama-era Internet privacy protections that prevent your Internet provider (Verizon, Xfinity/Comcast, ...

No Supreme Court nominations until the Russia investigation is complete

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Trump ally Devin Nunes says Donald Trump’s administration is now under a “big gray cloud” because of yesterday’s news that the FBI is investigating Trump for ...

Donald Trump, apologize to Pres. Obama — Add your name

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Contrary to Donald Trump’s over-the-top claims, the Senate Intelligence Committee has just concluded that Trump was not wiretapped by President Obama. As a reporter just said ...

Alec Baldwin, don’t quit SNL. Add your name.

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Alec Baldwin says he may stop impersonating Donald Trump. Sign the petition, tell him he must continue.

Demand DOJ appoint a special counsel to investigate Trump’s Russia ties

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Add your name, demand the Justice Department appoint a special counsel to investigate Trump’s RussiaGate.

I strongly oppose Donald Trump using 100,000 National Guard troops to round up undocumented immigrants

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Trump may mobilize 100,000 National Guard troops to round up undocumented immigrants. Tell him NO.

Petition: If Trump has secret evidence of massive voter fraud — then release it

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Sign the petition calling on Donald Trump to make public his bombshell secret evidence proving massive vote fraud.
sean spicer

Petition: White House press secretary Sean Spicer lied and must resign

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White House press secretary Sean Spicer lied to the American people in his 1st press conference. He must resign.
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