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Nutella oat balls

Nicole Avery
Nicole Avery

The kids will love these easy to make Nutella balls. Only four ingredients required and no baking, you can whip them up quickly and they make a delicious sweet treat for kids and adults alike.

Nutella Oat Balls
Nutella Oat Balls Photo: Nicole Avery


  • 2 cups quick oats
  • 1 ¼ cup shredded coconut
  • ½ cup honey
  • ½ cup Nutella 


In a large bowl add the oats and coconut. Then pour in the honey and Nutella. Using a spoon or your hands, mix until completely combined.

Use tablespoon full of mixture to shape in balls. Allow to set in the fridge for 1 hour. Store in an airtight container.

Notes:  As Nutella contains nuts, if your school has a nut free policy, please don’t put them in the kids’ lunch boxes.

Nicole Avery is a Melbourne mum to five beautiful kids aged four to 15. She is the master organiser behind the popular parenting blog Planning With Kids and the author of a book by the same name, where she shares tips and tricks for organising the chaos of family life.

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