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Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
May 3, 2017 Disclaimer: Please read.

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Charles Rex Arbogast / AP Photo

Why Obama’s Big Cash-In Matters

Obscene payouts to any politician after he or she leaves the public sector are hypocritical and subvert what’s left of American democracy.


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New York University Press

How Our Worlds Are Decided for Us From Behind the Computational Curtain

On websites like Facebook, our selves are not more free; they are more owned. And they are owned because we are now made of data.
Evan Vucci / AP

Donald Trump Is on Course to Be One of the Worst Presidents in U.S. History

Trump had a chance for a transformational presidency, but his decisions in his first 100 days in office have put him on an almost irreversible path to failure.
A/V Booth

Take a look at Truthdig’s coverage of Monday’s demonstration in Washington, D.C.

Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer and McGovern discuss the agency’s influence during the Vietnam War and the role it now plays in America’s perception of Russia.

Filipino Women Are Key in Resistance of Duterte

The first installment of a two-part series investigates the brutality and rampant misogyny that the Philippines president has visited upon his country.

Live at Truthdig: How Do Technology Monopolies Undermine Democracy?

Author Jonathan Taplin joins Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer and his team on Thursday, May 4, at 1 p.m. PDT / 4 p.m. EDT, to discuss how tech giants like Google, Facebook and Amazon are destroying privacy rights.

James Comey: The Only Reason Julian Assange Is Not ‘Apprehended Yet’ Is He’s Out of Reach

Journalist Glenn Greenwald and WikiLeaks responded quickly on Twitter to Comey’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Women Beware: Saudi Arabia to Help Shape Global Standards for Female Equality

Voting a country notorious for its poor treatment of women onto a United Nations commission to promote female empowerment is the height of hypocrisy.



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Trump Seems to Think Americans Have Forgotten What They Lost in 2008 (Video)

The president has ordered a rollback of Wall Street regulations, including the Dodd-Frank Act, passed in 2010 to prevent another too-big-to-fail banking crisis.

Humans Are Better at Rapid Change Than We Think

A new study provides evidence that people are capable of radically altering the world, offering hope in the face of climate change.

Trump’s Real Sin Is Not Distinguishing Between ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’ Dictators

In Washington, D.C., you’re supposed to dis the “bad” ones and praise the “good” ones as strong allies. But the president just seems to like them all.

Remembering Jean Stein

The author and editor led a life of letters and ideas that ranged from her tenure at the helm of the Paris Review to her recent study of mid-20th century Los Angeles to her classic take on model Edie Sedgwick. 

Trump’s Empire Expands

Donald Trump and his family continue to create an unprecedented role for themselves, reimagining the White House as the newest branch of the clan’s imperial business domain.



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Sen. Dianne Feinstein Benefits From Health Care Lobbyists After Dismissing a Single-Payer System

The California Democrat attended a fundraising event held by a big-pharma lobbying firm a week after constituents booed her stance on single-payer health care. (Pictured, a protester at a Feinstein event in February.)

Killing Net Neutrality Is a Critical Goal in Trump’s Campaign Against Free Speech

President Trump’s playbook to curb free speech and silence dissenting voices goes far beyond his Twitter rants and attacks on the press. (Pictured, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai.)

Rep. Mo Brooks Faces Backlash Over Health Care Comment

After the Alabama Republican (pictured on right, with CNN’s Jake Tapper) refers to healthy people as those who have “led good lives,” angry and passionate responses erupt online.

Chris Hedges and Enrique Martinez Celaya: The Calling of the Artist Is to Bring Forth the Future

The Truthdig columnist and the painter-sculptor discuss the role of artist as prophet.

America’s Other Drug Problem

Every year nursing homes nationwide flush, burn or throw out tons of valuable prescription medications.

Our Political Reality Is the Stuff of Nightmares

It’s become the new abnormal: Trump’s decrees, accusations and posturing; his transparent lies, threats and reversals. Then comes the cleanup crew, the White House propagandists, pretending he’s serious.