Teacher resources and professional development across the curriculum

Teacher professional development and classroom resources across the curriculum

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If you cannot find the resource you are looking for in this list, check our discontinued series list for distributor contact information.

Arts, Grades 9 - 12

American Cinema

Over 150 Hollywood insiders document American culture through film. Video series for college and high school classrooms and adult learners.

The Art of Teaching the Arts: A Workshop for High School Teachers

Discover how the principles of good teaching are implemented in the visual and performing arts. A video workshop for high school teachers.

Art of the Western World

View outstanding examples of Western art and architecture in this video series for college and high school classrooms and adult learners.

Art Through Time: A Global View

A multimedia course exploring works of art throughout time and human cultures.

Exploring the World of Music

Learn the essentials of music theory and how music expresses culture in this video instructional series for college and high school classrooms.


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