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February 14, 2017 Event

Jakob Leshcly: Buddhist Meditation Workshops

Join us in February & March, when we will be opening our doors to Buddhist & meditation teacher, Jakob Leschly. As an insider of both Buddhist and modern cultures, he will bring to life the inspiration and warmth of the Buddhist tradition in a series of stand-alone programs, on three Saturdays at Crystal Castle & […]

February 2, 2017 General

Daily yoga: The 7 minute Wonder

Everyday from 11 – 11.15am we are running a yoga session, it is included in your entry price and equips you with plenty of goodness that you can take away into your daily life. ‘The Promise’ is a 7 minute yoga session developed by Mark Whitwell, who has travelled the globe teaching yoga to thousands […]

January 25, 2017 General

7 days of Smudging

An Introduction to the Traditional Art of Clearing Space with Smoke.   Day 1 of 7: What is Smudging? The traditional practice of purifying a room or space with the smoke of sacred herbs to release negative energy. It can be used heal, purify, protect, honour or invoke particular energy.   Day 2 of 7: Before […]

January 16, 2017 General

Daily Puja’s Are Here!

Introducing our Daily PUJA’s We have so many Deity statues on the property which come from various Eastern Traditions. A Deity is not seen as an external God in these traditions, but there to represent a part of us that is always accessible. So in order to honour this Deity, it is important to embrace […]

December 9, 2016 General

REBUILD NEPAL Report, from Naren King

REBUILD NEPAL REPORT 26 NOVEMBER 2016, from Naren King, Crystal Castle founder. We have just returned from almost 4 weeks on the ground in Nepal. Once again our 2nd Rebuild Nepal benefit concert with Toni Childs and friends was a great success. Thanks to our generous community, we have now raised over $80,000. This includes […]

August 23, 2016 General

Giant Shiva Lingam

Five years ago the Crystal Castle acquired a giant stone Shiva Lingam from the Narmada River in India, which is one of the seven holy places of pilgrimage in India. It took two more years to find a matching carved marble yoni base to fit the lingam. Finally, the shiva lingam and its base have […]

August 23, 2016 General

The Enchanted Cave is here!

After a mammoth journey and a HUGE two days, the Enchanted Cave from Uruguay is finally here! It took 7 hours and several teams of experts to “birth” it from its shipping container at the port in Brsbane, who said it was their biggest challenge in 50 years! It was then we discovered that the […]