Schools plan is already a failure

Schools plan is already a failure

WE know throwing money at schools won’t lift standards but that didn’t stop the PM from repeating the mistakes of the Gillard government this week, writes Andrew Bolt.

Clock is ticking as Turnbull gets busy

Clock is ticking as Turnbull gets busy

THE Prime Minister has been Action Man recently the reason for that lies in a complicated set of dates that could mean an early election, writes James Campbell.

Regions need support after job cuts

Regions need support after job cuts

CLOSURES of dairy giant Murray Goulburn’s Victorian factories weren’t unexpected, but they show why rural communities need support, writes Ed Gannon.

Liberals must act against ABC bias

Liberals must act against ABC bias

THE government will always be at a huge disadvantage while it’s funding a biased ABC that is implacably opposed to conservative values, write Andrew Bolt.

Kiwis deserve a fairer go from their cousins

Kiwis deserve a fairer go from their cousins

AUSTRALIA and New Zealand have always had a close relationship but those bonds are under threat from proposed government legislation, writes Kathryn Powley.

We must do better in a tough new world

We must do better in a tough new world

THE emergence of outsiders in the French presidential election shows again that the world is changing and Australia must improve to compete, writes Jeff Kennett.

Van Gogh and footy a great cultural mix

Van Gogh and footy a great cultural mix

MELBOURNE isn’t limited by its passion for sport — van Gogh at the NGV and Book of Mormon show we’ll turn out to cheer for great art and theatre as well, writes Simon Plant.

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Show Victoria the money

Show Victoria the money

THE never-ending rivalry between Melbourne and Sydney is normally a subject for lighthearted jest and cheap shots about the weather.

Big spend on back of boom

Big spend on back of boom

VICTORIA’S economy, fuelled by rampant increases in property tax and migration, is enjoying sunny times and the 2017 Budget is spending big.



Don't miss this: Rowan Dean goes to town over the sickest of sick jokes. Liberty Victoria has actually given its Voltaire award for free speech to ... Gillian Triggs, president of the Human Rights Commission and persecutor of Bill Leak and innocent university students.     Read more



My editorial on The Bolt Report: Malcolm Turnbull schools plan reports Julia Gillard's big mistake. It promises billions without telling us what it will do to actually lift standards. And the Government knows it. Read more