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Gonski school funding: Wealthy schools to have funding slashed as Turnbull government redirects funds

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has declared he will "bring the school funding wars to an end" in a stunning turnaround that will see the government pump an extra $19 billion into schools over the next decade, but leave about 350 Catholic and private institutions worse off.

At a surprise press conference on Tuesday flanked by businessman David Gonski, who conducted a landmark review of school funding for the Gillard government, Mr Turnbull said he would succeed where Labor failed by delivering a genuine needs-based funding model.

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Government's Gonski coup

Malcolm Turnbull announces a new ten-year schools funding plan - and a new review by David Gonski. Labor brands the funding plan "an act of political bastardry".

The announcement came less than 24 hours after the government unveiled its higher education changes, which included a rise in student fees and cut to university funding.

A small number of wealthy private schools will have their funding cut from next year, representing a break from Julia Gillard's promise that no school would lose a dollar under any funding changes. Private schools like Loreto Kirribilli in Sydney, and Melbourne Grammar School, are likely to be affected.

The Catholic education sector, which blasted the government for a lack of consultation, is particularly furious with the government because their schools will no longer be funded on a special system-wide basis. Sources said Catholic schools had lost out in an intense lobbying battle with private schools to receive the best deal from the government.

Mr Gonski will conduct a new review for the government - dubbed "Gonski 2.0" by Mr Turnbull - on how the extra money can best be spent to ensure it boosts student performance.


The plan marks a dramatic shift in rhetoric from the government, which had previously downplayed the impact of extra funding on improving school results.

Next Tuesday's budget will include an extra $2 billion extra for schools over the next four years on top of the $1.2 billion announced in last year's budget.

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Funding for public schools will grow by 94 per cent, or $6.4 billion, over the decade while Catholic and private school funding will rise by 62 per cent or $6.7 billion.

The government's own briefing documents acknowledge the government will spend $22 billion less on schools over a decade than Labor promised at the last election.

The new funding approach - which would need to pass the Senate - would involve a substantial shuffling of funds between the states and school sectors.

As foreshadowed by Fairfax Media earlier this year, the government will change the funding formula so schools more quickly reach their appropriate Schooling Resource Standard (SRS) - the level of funding deemed necessary by the Gonski Review.

All schools will now reach their appropriate funding level within a decade, according to the government. It would have taken over a century for some schools to reach their appropriate funding level under the current formula.

Education Minister Simon Birmingham said 24 schools in the nation's highest socio-economic areas will see their funding drop next year.

The government at this stage is refusing to publicly identify which schools will have their funding cut. Fairfax Media understands principals will be informed over coming days.

Schools such as Loreto Kirribilli, an elite Sydney Catholic girls school, are likely to be among those that have their funding cut.

Loreto Kirribilli received 283 per cent of its funding entitlement in 2014, raking in $4.7 million in excess funding according to a Fairfax Media investigation.

Oakhill College in Castle Hill received $6.8 million more than its funding entitlement while William Clarke College in Kellyville received $5.5 million excess funding

Melbourne Grammar School, which charges fees of up to $32,520, was the most over-funded school in Victoria in dollar terms and is likely to have its funding cut. It received 141 per cent of its entitlement in 2014, receiving $2.2 million more than its funding entitlement.

A further 353 schools will be worse off as they transition to their appropriate resourcing standard over the next decade.

Funding for NSW public schools will grow by 4.9 per cent over the next four years, 3.8 per cent for Catholic schools and 3.9 per cent for private schools, according to government briefing notes.

NSW Education Minister Rob Stokes said he was blindsided by the announcement and refused to rule out a court challenge to enforce the Gillard-era Gonski agreement.

"This does not provide that clarity and I am very concerned that this may lead to a lessening of the funding the federal government has already committed to provide to schools in NSW," he said.

Funding for public schools in Victoria will grow by 5.4 per cent over the same period, 3.5 per cent for Catholic schools and 4.3 per cent for private schools.

Mr Turnbull said: "This investment will set Australian children on the path to academic excellence and success in their future lives.

"This reform will finally deliver on David Gonski's vision six years ago after his landmark review of Australian school education."

Labor education spokeswoman Tanya Plibersek accused Mr Turnbull of using a "smoke and mirrors" trick to disguise a failure to fund Labor's Gonski agreements in full.

Independent schools welcomed the prospect of funding certainty but a spokesman for the National Catholic Education Commission said the sector was "deeply concerned" some of its schools could be worse off.

- with Kelsey Munro


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