- published: 08 Nov 2013
- views: 3622023
Google+ (pronounced and sometimes written as Google Plus) is an interest-based social network that is owned and operated by Google Inc.
The service, Google's fourth foray into social networking, experienced strong growth in its initial years, although usage statistics have varied, depending on how the service is defined. Three Google executives have overseen the product, which has undergone substantial changes leading to a redesign in November 2015.
Google+ is the company's fourth foray into social networking, following Google Buzz (launched 2010, retired in 2011), Google Friend Connect (launched 2008, retired by March 1, 2012), and Orkut (launched in 2004, as of 2013 operated entirely by subsidiary Google Brazil – retired in September 2014).
Google+ launched in June 2011. Features included the ability to post photos and status updates to the stream or interest based communities, group different types of relationships (rather than simply "friends") into Circles, a multi-person instant messaging, text and video chat called Hangouts, events, location tagging, and the ability to edit and upload photos to private cloud-based albums.
Google Inc. is an American multinational technology company specializing in Internet-related services and products. These include online advertising technologies, search, cloud computing, and software. Most of its profits are derived from AdWords, an online advertising service that places advertising near the list of search results.
Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were Ph.D. students at Stanford University. Together they own about 14 percent of its shares but control 56 percent of the stockholder voting power through supervoting stock. They incorporated Google as a privately held company on September 4, 1998. An initial public offering followed on August 19, 2004. Its mission statement from the outset was "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful," and its unofficial slogan was "Don't be evil". In 2004, Google moved to its new headquarters in Mountain View, California, nicknamed the Googleplex. In August 2015, Google announced plans to reorganize its interests as a holding company called Alphabet Inc. When this restructuring took place on October 2, 2015, Google became Alphabet's leading subsidiary, as well as the parent for Google's Internet interests.
Plus may refer to:
Fuck You may refer to:
A Google Account is a user account that provides access to Google services such as Blogger, YouTube, and Google Groups. A Google Account is required for the use of Gmail, but account holders are not required to use Gmail and it is possible to create a Google Account without Gmail. Accounts in EU countries were hosted on the domain googlemail.com, instead of gmail.com because Google did not own the trademark. Since resolving the domain dispute, user account use either gmail.com, or may use another provider's address.
After a Google Account is created, users may enable other Google applications.
YouTube and Blogger maintain separate accounts for users who registered with the services before their Google acquisition. However, effective April 2011 YouTube users are required to link to a separate Google Account if they wish to continue to log into that service.
Google Account users may create a publicly accessible Google profile, to configure their presentation on Google products to other Google users. A Google profile can be linked to a user's profiles on various social-networking and image-hosting sites, as well as user blogs.
My Thoughts on Google+
Google Plus Tutorial
Why Google Plus Failed
Introduction to Google Plus
Beginners Guide to Google Plus
What is Google Plus? How to create a Google+ Account? Hindi video by Kya kaise
How To Get the Most Out of Google Plus
Cara Melacak Pacar Dengan Mudah - Google+ [JOMBLO DILARANG NONTON]
The Google+ Song
Top 5 Advantages of Google Plus Marketing
How Google was made
Google+ "Bundestagswahl 2013"
Google+ "Circles"
The Aurora
People wanted this on iTunes, so there ya go: https://t.co/jnhab71UeY Lyrics: Woke up this morning and checked my Twitter Went onto Facebook and moaned about the weather And then I checked my friends' updates on Google plus Wait, no I didn't, cos it sucks So how do they make their investment back? Well they took YouTube and fucked it in the ass Leave us alone, we just want to make videos Well we just want our website back Why is that so hard to understand? Fuck you, Google Plus We don't want your fucking fuss You've ruined our site and called it integration I'm writing this song to vent our frustration Fuck you, Google Plus Your website can get fucked If it was gonna 'work' it would've happened by now Maybe ask Yahoo to fix it somehow? See Google you're just bad at web design Well I'...
This ended up being a little bit of a rant. Sorry if it sounds kind of whiny. WHATEVER!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ♥ Follow me on Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/114559808602048970628/posts Side note: I recognize that Dexter would never kill someone in such unsanitary conditions. I was going for a general serial killer vibe for those who don't watch Dexter. ============================= If you want more of my weird face in your life, see it at these internet locations near you (while supplies last): Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Echoisweird Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/echoisweird Tumblr: http://echoisweird.tumblr.com
This is the first video in a series of five, covering everything you need to know about Google+ Have a question? Well pop by the Google+ Help community where I help out when I can: https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/115758385206378551362?cfem=1 Also, check out my sites www.plusyourbusiness.com and www.martinshervington.com for more. Welcome to 'home' on Google+ Understanding this is an interface: Posts - writing in it, adding an image (dragging and dropping/from your images on Google+), add a link, youtube, event Posting to public, circles or to a person Circles are a way of organising your contacts Adding someone to a circle by hovering over their name Seeing a hovercard And adding to an existing circle Creating a new circle straight after hovering over Organizing your Circles and...
Learn how to make a 360 video camera! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSRaU9MHVVg -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Find out how to use Google Plus, Google's new social networking service. This will guide you through ins and outs of how to get started using the site and the mobile app.
http://www.kyakaise.com What is Google+? How to create a Google+ Account? Google Plus kya hai? Google+ account kaise banate hain? गूगल प्लस क्या है? गूगल प्लस अकाउंट कैसे बनाते हैं? Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/9DuhRf क्या कैसे के यूट्यूब चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें http://goo.gl/9DuhRf What is Google Plus? How to create a Google Plus Account? Hindi video by Kya kaise. गूगल प्लस क्या है? गूगल प्लस अकाउंट कैसे बनाते हैं? इस सरल हिंदी विडियो से सीखिए। Google Plus kya hai? Google Plus account kaise banate hain? Is asaan Hindi/Urdu video se seekhiye. Facebook: www.facebook.com/KyaKaise Twitter: @kyakaise Google+: www.google.com/+kyakaise Website: www.kyakaise.com Here are our most popular videos http://goo.gl/UTwJ8w http://goo.gl/1N8jGc http://goo.gl/sqoPqe...
Here's why being on Google Plus is so important and how to start dominating Google search results with your videos and posts. I share 5 tips that will help you get started with growing your audience on Google+ and get people to start circling you to increase your video SEO. CIRCLE RONNIE BINCER http://www.google.com/+RonnieBincer SUBMIT YOUR VIDEO QUESTION 1. No music nor sound effects. 2. No text nor logos. 3. Keep it brief. 4. Include your name and channel URL in the "message" field. 5. Upload your video here: https://videocreators.wetransfer.com On Video Creators we discuss how to leverage YouTube as a social platform and use it to build an audience, spread our message, and change lives. If you're a YouTuber or an online video creator, we'd love to have you subscribe and join us! SU...
Trik ini hanya menggunakan aplikasi google+ plus. dan hanya aplikasi itu saja, jadi tak akan mencurigakan di hape pacar. semua kegiatan yang menggunakan gps membuat lokasi sang target akan terdeteksi saat itu juga di hp pelacak. __ karena banyak yg nanya, "kenapa cuman muncul nama gue saja?"__ sorry aku kurang lengkap cara ngatasinnya.. buka g+ lagi di hape kita, trus buka location, trus buka lagi filter map di menu kanan atas centang semua yg ada disitu.. (pastikan nama target sudah ada di lingkaran follow kalian yg tercentang tersebut, kalo belum silahkan follow dulu) tr nongol deh so simple.. . . . . . . Follow sosmed dibawah ini kalo mau tanya2, aku jawab langsung.. ig: @anandezz twitter: @anandezz fb: anandezz line: @anandez
The Google+ movie is years away. In the meantime, this song answers all your questions about what the heck it actually is. Starring KAYLA SARIAN (Ashley Pittman was a fake alias!) Vocals by Katie Hines Music by Sean Motley Directed, Shot & Edited by Andy Signore Written by Andy Signore & Ian Weinreich LYRICS: Check my email, got an invite To a website I don't know Looked like googlebuzz at first sight, But my friend said that's a no. Why did we need, another social network? Doesn't Facebook work alright? A new thing for me to learn This could take all night, Look out! What is this google + I don't Need google + There's another +1 and another +1 What is this google + Hey, Why's this red thing here? Go away google + You want me to put my friends in circles But circles are for squares...
How does Google Plus have an unfair advantage that you can use for your brand? Learn my 5 top reasons in today's video. GOOGLE PLUS: http://google.com/plus CHECK OUT OUR SPONSOR: http://savvysexysocial.com/bluehost SIGN UP FOR AMY'S ELITE SO YOU DON'T MISS A BEAT (and get a FREE copy of my Ultimate Twitter Guide!): http://savvysexysocial.com/subscribe/ ALL THE CONTENT: http://savvysexysocial.com http://marketinglifestyleshow.com THE MARKETING LIFESTYLE SHOW: iTunes: http://savvysexysocial.com/itunes Stitcher Radio: http://savvysexysocial.com/stitcher I'M A SOCIAL MEDIA FRENZY: twitter : http://twitter.com/savvysexysocial twitter : http://twitter.com/schmittastic facebook : http://facebook.com/savvysexysocial google+ : http://google.com/+savvysexysocial tumblr : http://schmittastic.t...
The video about a creating process of Google splash doodle. Photography by Alex Koloskov, post production by Genia Larionova. More info and the final shot: http://www.photigy.com/the-making-of-google-happy-birthday-google-plus/
Hangout with Sehsucht‘s humorous characters, illustrating the upsides of political interaction. Together with the agency Kolle Rebbe, we dive into a witty discussion for Google Plus. The hashtag following our scenes throughout, Germany‘s parliamentary election/ Bundestagswahl 2013 is the center of all dialogues. Combining three animation shorts, we follow our characters through everyday situations. Each setting resolves in a funny scene, bringing different topics to life. The reduced aesthetic of the animation gives our characters genuine humor. Produced in 3D with a 2D look, the illustrations come to life through their simple styles and the fun animation - giving every scene a little twist. C r e d i t s Client: Google Marketing Director: Barbara Daliri Freyduni Agency: Kolle Rebbe...
Follow on http://www.facebook.com/TSOphotography I spent a week capturing one of the biggest aurora borealis shows in recent years. Shot in and around Kirkenes and Pas National Park bordering Russia, at 70 degree north and 30 degrees east. Temperatures around -25 Celsius. Good fun. Available in Digital Cinema 4k. Follow Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TSOPhotography Follow Twitter: http://twitter.com/TSOPhotography Follow Google+: https://plus.google.com/107543460658107759808 Press/licensing/projects contact: tsophotography@gmail.com
Follow on: https://facebook.com/TSOphotography for more photos, videos and updates. This was filmed between 4th and 11th April 2011. I had the pleasure of visiting El Teide. Spain´s highest mountain @(3718m) is one of the best places in the world to photograph the stars and is also the location of Teide Observatories, considered to be one of the world´s best observatories. The goal was to capture the beautiful Milky Way galaxy along with one of the most amazing mountains I know El Teide. I have to say this was one of the most exhausting trips I have done. There was a lot of hiking at high altitudes and probably less than 10 hours of sleep in total for the whole week. Having been here 10-11 times before I had a long list of must-see locations I wanted to capture for this movie, but I a...
Brought to you by iStock by Getty Images www.iStock.com My new series, This is Not a Conspiracy Theory, is now live: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/tinact If you'd like to support my work, you can do so here: http://everythingisaremix.info/donate/ And you can send cryptocoins to these addresses: Bitcoin: 17myfkig9gaDHS8HcnUgjwkHntyRohUuZb Litecoin: LbAefJihYQMD4F3Az3EXDqFXNj56mYQCtQ Peercoin: PBe7VYQsKTyoQhvcoMdt5oRzB261PBVQaS Dogecoin: DD5pGYCDxv5BBqzUzDso4fHvGBUPZ6QTFD You can follow the series at these social sites: https://twitter.com/notconspiracy facebook.com/thisisnotaconspiracytheory https://plus.google.com/+Thisisnotaconspiracytheory Written & Produced by Kirby Ferguson Additional Research by Garrett Weinholtz (www.gweinholtz.com) My next series, This is Not a Conspiracy Theory,...
Got my hands on some Google Glass, thanks to Daniel Fontaine https://plus.google.com/108413597447248376486/ Decided to wear them and document the airbrush body paint process from beginning to end. Now you know what it's like to Paint someone, AND be painted by me :) http://www.RoustanBodypaint.com Copyright ©2013 RoustanBodypaint.com model: Opisthocoma music is licensed under a Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 License: Hey by Juanitos http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Juanitos/Welcome_in_the_House_of_FUN/juanitos_-_02_-_hey
A somewhat moving Google Plus advert with a fantastic VO from Benedict Cumberbatch. After Effects: Dominic Burgess (lead), Klaudia Dragowska. FCP: Charlotte Carr Producer: Luke Colson Post: The Mill Agency: Adam and Eve
Support #POGOBAT on Patreon! http://www.patreon.com/pogobat #POGOBAT on other platforms http://youtube.com/pogobat http://dailymotion.com/pogobatofficial http://twitter.com/delicioussteak http://pogobat.tumblr.com/ danbrownuniverse@gmail.com Special thanks to MoonShoesPatty! http://www.youtube.com/MoonShoesPatty Edited by David Wright http://youtube.com/miraclefalcon Thumbnail by Karen Kavett http://youtube.com/user/xperpetualmotion Intro by Rob Scallon http://youtube.com/user/robs70986987 Rough Transcript: I got an email from Jake: Hey Dan! I'm curious what you think about the new youtube comment system? I'm not really a fan, but maybe it's because I haven't really figured them out yet. Thanks, Jake Thanks Jake! So, my girlfriend recently sent me a link to a cute little Ukelele di...
Learn more at http://google.com/insidesearch/plus.html Search has always brought you information from across the web. Now, search gets better by including photos, posts, and more from you and your friends. Music: "We Are Young" by Vassy featuring Tim Myers
People wanted this on iTunes, so there ya go: https://t.co/jnhab71UeY Lyrics: Woke up this morning and checked my Twitter Went onto Facebook and moaned about the weather And then I checked my friends' updates on Google plus Wait, no I didn't, cos it sucks So how do they make their investment back? Well they took YouTube and fucked it in the ass Leave us alone, we just want to make videos Well we just want our website back Why is that so hard to understand? Fuck you, Google Plus We don't want your fucking fuss You've ruined our site and called it integration I'm writing this song to vent our frustration Fuck you, Google Plus Your website can get fucked If it was gonna 'work' it would've happened by now Maybe ask Yahoo to fix it somehow? See Google you're just bad at web design Well I'...
This ended up being a little bit of a rant. Sorry if it sounds kind of whiny. WHATEVER!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ♥ Follow me on Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/114559808602048970628/posts Side note: I recognize that Dexter would never kill someone in such unsanitary conditions. I was going for a general serial killer vibe for those who don't watch Dexter. ============================= If you want more of my weird face in your life, see it at these internet locations near you (while supplies last): Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Echoisweird Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/echoisweird Tumblr: http://echoisweird.tumblr.com
This is the first video in a series of five, covering everything you need to know about Google+ Have a question? Well pop by the Google+ Help community where I help out when I can: https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/115758385206378551362?cfem=1 Also, check out my sites www.plusyourbusiness.com and www.martinshervington.com for more. Welcome to 'home' on Google+ Understanding this is an interface: Posts - writing in it, adding an image (dragging and dropping/from your images on Google+), add a link, youtube, event Posting to public, circles or to a person Circles are a way of organising your contacts Adding someone to a circle by hovering over their name Seeing a hovercard And adding to an existing circle Creating a new circle straight after hovering over Organizing your Circles and...
Learn how to make a 360 video camera! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSRaU9MHVVg -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Find out how to use Google Plus, Google's new social networking service. This will guide you through ins and outs of how to get started using the site and the mobile app.
http://www.kyakaise.com What is Google+? How to create a Google+ Account? Google Plus kya hai? Google+ account kaise banate hain? गूगल प्लस क्या है? गूगल प्लस अकाउंट कैसे बनाते हैं? Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/9DuhRf क्या कैसे के यूट्यूब चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें http://goo.gl/9DuhRf What is Google Plus? How to create a Google Plus Account? Hindi video by Kya kaise. गूगल प्लस क्या है? गूगल प्लस अकाउंट कैसे बनाते हैं? इस सरल हिंदी विडियो से सीखिए। Google Plus kya hai? Google Plus account kaise banate hain? Is asaan Hindi/Urdu video se seekhiye. Facebook: www.facebook.com/KyaKaise Twitter: @kyakaise Google+: www.google.com/+kyakaise Website: www.kyakaise.com Here are our most popular videos http://goo.gl/UTwJ8w http://goo.gl/1N8jGc http://goo.gl/sqoPqe...
Here's why being on Google Plus is so important and how to start dominating Google search results with your videos and posts. I share 5 tips that will help you get started with growing your audience on Google+ and get people to start circling you to increase your video SEO. CIRCLE RONNIE BINCER http://www.google.com/+RonnieBincer SUBMIT YOUR VIDEO QUESTION 1. No music nor sound effects. 2. No text nor logos. 3. Keep it brief. 4. Include your name and channel URL in the "message" field. 5. Upload your video here: https://videocreators.wetransfer.com On Video Creators we discuss how to leverage YouTube as a social platform and use it to build an audience, spread our message, and change lives. If you're a YouTuber or an online video creator, we'd love to have you subscribe and join us! SU...
Trik ini hanya menggunakan aplikasi google+ plus. dan hanya aplikasi itu saja, jadi tak akan mencurigakan di hape pacar. semua kegiatan yang menggunakan gps membuat lokasi sang target akan terdeteksi saat itu juga di hp pelacak. __ karena banyak yg nanya, "kenapa cuman muncul nama gue saja?"__ sorry aku kurang lengkap cara ngatasinnya.. buka g+ lagi di hape kita, trus buka location, trus buka lagi filter map di menu kanan atas centang semua yg ada disitu.. (pastikan nama target sudah ada di lingkaran follow kalian yg tercentang tersebut, kalo belum silahkan follow dulu) tr nongol deh so simple.. . . . . . . Follow sosmed dibawah ini kalo mau tanya2, aku jawab langsung.. ig: @anandezz twitter: @anandezz fb: anandezz line: @anandez
The Google+ movie is years away. In the meantime, this song answers all your questions about what the heck it actually is. Starring KAYLA SARIAN (Ashley Pittman was a fake alias!) Vocals by Katie Hines Music by Sean Motley Directed, Shot & Edited by Andy Signore Written by Andy Signore & Ian Weinreich LYRICS: Check my email, got an invite To a website I don't know Looked like googlebuzz at first sight, But my friend said that's a no. Why did we need, another social network? Doesn't Facebook work alright? A new thing for me to learn This could take all night, Look out! What is this google + I don't Need google + There's another +1 and another +1 What is this google + Hey, Why's this red thing here? Go away google + You want me to put my friends in circles But circles are for squares...
How does Google Plus have an unfair advantage that you can use for your brand? Learn my 5 top reasons in today's video. GOOGLE PLUS: http://google.com/plus CHECK OUT OUR SPONSOR: http://savvysexysocial.com/bluehost SIGN UP FOR AMY'S ELITE SO YOU DON'T MISS A BEAT (and get a FREE copy of my Ultimate Twitter Guide!): http://savvysexysocial.com/subscribe/ ALL THE CONTENT: http://savvysexysocial.com http://marketinglifestyleshow.com THE MARKETING LIFESTYLE SHOW: iTunes: http://savvysexysocial.com/itunes Stitcher Radio: http://savvysexysocial.com/stitcher I'M A SOCIAL MEDIA FRENZY: twitter : http://twitter.com/savvysexysocial twitter : http://twitter.com/schmittastic facebook : http://facebook.com/savvysexysocial google+ : http://google.com/+savvysexysocial tumblr : http://schmittastic.t...
The video about a creating process of Google splash doodle. Photography by Alex Koloskov, post production by Genia Larionova. More info and the final shot: http://www.photigy.com/the-making-of-google-happy-birthday-google-plus/
Hangout with Sehsucht‘s humorous characters, illustrating the upsides of political interaction. Together with the agency Kolle Rebbe, we dive into a witty discussion for Google Plus. The hashtag following our scenes throughout, Germany‘s parliamentary election/ Bundestagswahl 2013 is the center of all dialogues. Combining three animation shorts, we follow our characters through everyday situations. Each setting resolves in a funny scene, bringing different topics to life. The reduced aesthetic of the animation gives our characters genuine humor. Produced in 3D with a 2D look, the illustrations come to life through their simple styles and the fun animation - giving every scene a little twist. C r e d i t s Client: Google Marketing Director: Barbara Daliri Freyduni Agency: Kolle Rebbe...
Follow on http://www.facebook.com/TSOphotography I spent a week capturing one of the biggest aurora borealis shows in recent years. Shot in and around Kirkenes and Pas National Park bordering Russia, at 70 degree north and 30 degrees east. Temperatures around -25 Celsius. Good fun. Available in Digital Cinema 4k. Follow Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TSOPhotography Follow Twitter: http://twitter.com/TSOPhotography Follow Google+: https://plus.google.com/107543460658107759808 Press/licensing/projects contact: tsophotography@gmail.com
Follow on: https://facebook.com/TSOphotography for more photos, videos and updates. This was filmed between 4th and 11th April 2011. I had the pleasure of visiting El Teide. Spain´s highest mountain @(3718m) is one of the best places in the world to photograph the stars and is also the location of Teide Observatories, considered to be one of the world´s best observatories. The goal was to capture the beautiful Milky Way galaxy along with one of the most amazing mountains I know El Teide. I have to say this was one of the most exhausting trips I have done. There was a lot of hiking at high altitudes and probably less than 10 hours of sleep in total for the whole week. Having been here 10-11 times before I had a long list of must-see locations I wanted to capture for this movie, but I a...
Brought to you by iStock by Getty Images www.iStock.com My new series, This is Not a Conspiracy Theory, is now live: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/tinact If you'd like to support my work, you can do so here: http://everythingisaremix.info/donate/ And you can send cryptocoins to these addresses: Bitcoin: 17myfkig9gaDHS8HcnUgjwkHntyRohUuZb Litecoin: LbAefJihYQMD4F3Az3EXDqFXNj56mYQCtQ Peercoin: PBe7VYQsKTyoQhvcoMdt5oRzB261PBVQaS Dogecoin: DD5pGYCDxv5BBqzUzDso4fHvGBUPZ6QTFD You can follow the series at these social sites: https://twitter.com/notconspiracy facebook.com/thisisnotaconspiracytheory https://plus.google.com/+Thisisnotaconspiracytheory Written & Produced by Kirby Ferguson Additional Research by Garrett Weinholtz (www.gweinholtz.com) My next series, This is Not a Conspiracy Theory,...
Got my hands on some Google Glass, thanks to Daniel Fontaine https://plus.google.com/108413597447248376486/ Decided to wear them and document the airbrush body paint process from beginning to end. Now you know what it's like to Paint someone, AND be painted by me :) http://www.RoustanBodypaint.com Copyright ©2013 RoustanBodypaint.com model: Opisthocoma music is licensed under a Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 License: Hey by Juanitos http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Juanitos/Welcome_in_the_House_of_FUN/juanitos_-_02_-_hey
A somewhat moving Google Plus advert with a fantastic VO from Benedict Cumberbatch. After Effects: Dominic Burgess (lead), Klaudia Dragowska. FCP: Charlotte Carr Producer: Luke Colson Post: The Mill Agency: Adam and Eve
Support #POGOBAT on Patreon! http://www.patreon.com/pogobat #POGOBAT on other platforms http://youtube.com/pogobat http://dailymotion.com/pogobatofficial http://twitter.com/delicioussteak http://pogobat.tumblr.com/ danbrownuniverse@gmail.com Special thanks to MoonShoesPatty! http://www.youtube.com/MoonShoesPatty Edited by David Wright http://youtube.com/miraclefalcon Thumbnail by Karen Kavett http://youtube.com/user/xperpetualmotion Intro by Rob Scallon http://youtube.com/user/robs70986987 Rough Transcript: I got an email from Jake: Hey Dan! I'm curious what you think about the new youtube comment system? I'm not really a fan, but maybe it's because I haven't really figured them out yet. Thanks, Jake Thanks Jake! So, my girlfriend recently sent me a link to a cute little Ukelele di...
Learn more at http://google.com/insidesearch/plus.html Search has always brought you information from across the web. Now, search gets better by including photos, posts, and more from you and your friends. Music: "We Are Young" by Vassy featuring Tim Myers
thank for subscribe +Google Plus : (http://tinyurl.com/gmxvxld) If you enjoy this video and want to get more videos with me, Please kindly help subscribe my Channel and visit us as following; Please Follow Me On: +Google Plus : (http://tinyurl.com/gmxvxld) +Google Plus : (http://tinyurl.com/gmxvxld) +Google Plus : (http://tinyurl.com/gmxvxld) +Google Plus : (http://tinyurl.com/gmxvxld)
Facebook marketing and google plus recruiting