Artist Amanda Penrose Hart wins Gallipoli Art Prize with look back to Anzac Cove

Artist Amanda Penrose Hart wins Gallipoli Art Prize with look back to Anzac Cove

A painting of the towering rocky outcrop faced by Australian soldiers at Anzac Cove has won the $20,000 Gallipoli Art Prize.

Artist Amanda Penrose Hart with her prize-winning work, The Sphinx, Perpetual Peace.

Artist Amanda Penrose Hart with her prize-winning work, The Sphinx, Perpetual Peace.

Photo: Janie Barrett

Sydney-based artist Amanda Pearson Hart painted The Sphinx, Perpetual Peace during visits to the indomitable Turkish site, where the Anzacs Corps landed by boat on the morning of April 25, 1915.

She was struck by the extreme landscape the soldiers faced in World War I. She attempted to walk up the rocky outcrop, called The Sphinx, on two trips but struggled to reach halfway because of its sheer height and sharp, barbed wire-like vegetation.

"While we were there we saw quite a few remains, obviously Australian and Turkish, and everyone who fought there. And every time it rains the top soil washes away so there's more bodies exposed," she says.


"So we saw when we were dragging through the bush with all our gear quite a few body parts, it's really awful."

The landscape painting took her about a year to complete. She says it is her way to commemorate the soldiers who lost their lives and whose remains still lie on that hill, camouflaged by the vegetation.

"There were so many people died there and that's why it's so full of bones, and the vegetation grew and grew because there's so much blood and bone in the hills."

The Gallipoli Art Prize recognises works that reflect upon the themes of loyalty, respect, love of country, courage and comradeship, in relation to any armed conflict in which Australia has been involved since 1915. The annual prize is open to Australian, New Zealand and Turkish painters.

Penrose Hart's prize-winning painting, along with works by the 38 other finalists, will be on show at the Gallipoli Memorial Club, Circular Quay, from April 20 to 28.

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