Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Meices - Greatest Bible Stories Ever Told (1993, eMpTy)

Recently had a request for the first Meices album, so here it is.  It's hardly the first time I've dedicated space to them on Wilfully Obscure, and it probably won't be the last either, considering there's a few more nuggets in the vault to plunder.  The two platters that followed Greatest Bible Stories... 1994's Tastes Like Chicken, and Dirty Bird which landed two years later, were superior to the debut, but even from the get go the Meices managed to hit the ground running, in extremely consistent fashion at that.  A rumbling pop-punk undercurrent reverberates through unholy yet tuneful rackets like "Don't Let the Soap Run Out," "Pissin' in the Sink," and "Near Ya," all of which hold up splendidly two decades after the fact.  The Meices always had a wailing, Replacements-y swagger to 'em, yet Joe Reineke and company imbued their compositions with a little extra tartness and unpredictability that few groups have ever been able to duplicate.  You can check out a batch of singles contemporary to this album here, two split singles, as well as Joe's pre and post Meices endeavors. 

01. Alex Put Something in His Pocket
02. La La Land
03. Push You Down
04. Don't Let the Soap Run Out
05. Near Ya
06. This Way
07. Pissin' in the Sink
08. Didn't Wanna
09. Number One
10. Hey Little Punker
11. 40 Miles
12. We're Freezing (hidden track)


Jason Moriparty said...

thank you for this, this band is so underrated!

Sean Fitz said...

Great, Great band that got mixed up in the Alt-rock nonsense label craze that was the 90's. I was fortunate to see/meet them live in Albany, NY right when Dirty Bird came out... it was great. Thanks for this! I got to find my CD and play this through a few 1000 more times again. :)

George said...

THey had an Australian comp release also on Zero Hour

Edwin Osorio said...


spavid said...

The link has been updated.

westerberger69 said...

The vinyl version of this album has "How Bout Now" instead of "Punker".

Check out the Meices FB page at: