Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Johnson Unit - Live, January 1985 (Unreleased)

John O'Neil - Guitar/Vocals
Steve Nordby - Bass/Vocals
Robert Christie (RIP) - Drums/Vocals

I think Steve gave me this a long time ago but I can't remember. This set is from January 1985, I believe this was shortly before the release of the Poor Get Poorer tape. For more Johnson Unit, go here. The songs in this set came to me in alphabetical order, no idea how the set was actually put together.

Johnson Unit - Live, January 1985

1. 100 Years Too Late
2. Another Journey By Bus
3. Chemistry
4. End of the Story
6. Instant
7. Old Wounds
8. Pneumatic Nightmare
9. Reproduction
10. Self Destruction


Thursday, February 23, 2017

Billy Jack - Wrestling With the Bald-Headed Champ (CD, Space Age Bachelor Pad, 1995)

Bruno Bersani - Vocals
Joe Brooks (R.I.P.) - Drums
Dan McClure - Guitar
Dave Nagle - Guitar
Wayne Shellabarger - Bass

This one is so overdue that I'm going to pretend I thought I'd already posted it. This was the final release for Billy Jack and the only one featuring this lineup. Billy Jack continued to revolve personnel and eventually accomplished a full Wall of Voodoo in that the last version of the band featured zero original members! I love this band and Shotgun - I Love You and Chet's Lament may be Bruno's greatest love songs.

Billy Jack - Wrestling the Bald-Headed Champ (1995)
1. Bye Bye Baby Jesus
2. Chet's Lament
3. Open Letter to the President
4. The Ballad of Pig Boy
5. Lucy
6. Stupid Questions
7. Beige Balloon
8. Pretty Girls
9. Shotgun - I Love You
10. Fatty
11. Cesare
12. Lottare Contro il Campione Calvo
13. Crystal Up My Butt

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Birdie Jo - Transient Knows the System (Cassette Only, 1995)

Michael - Drums
Pedro - Bass/Vocals
Scott Kirkpatrick - Guitar

I've been sitting on this one for a long time, sorry Scott! I did such a bad job with track increments on this one you'd have to go all the way back to my Three Pigs post to find a worse job. I never saw Birdie Jo, may have been just after my Eugene days. Hopefully a bandmember wants to chime in with some colorful stories, I don't have any!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Skeleton Closet - S/T cd (1995)

Mimi Raiter - Guitar/Vocals
Marty Schwarzbauer - Guitar/Vocals
Doug Herr - Drums/Vocals
David Kosmatka - Bass/Vocals

Mimi was the very first Eugene musician I ever met way back in 1983 when she worked at Earth River Records. I still miss that place. Seemed appropriate to post something Mimi played on for the blog's 100th post, a milestone! Thanks to Mimi and Marty for allowing this post!

Skeleton Closet (1995)

1. Aversion Day
2. Charlie Spider
3. Cobwebs
4. Bittersweet
5. Nuclear Attack
6. Zapata
7. Sometimes
8. Questions On The Netherlands What's Amanda Do
9. Lone Cowboy
10. Suburbia
11. Fucked Up


Monday, November 21, 2016

The Ghosts of 13th St: Killed By Apathy Vol. 3

Even later than usual, here is the third volume of our monthly series that began in July of 2015. Given the current state of things a picture of the torn down animal house seemed appropriate, not sure who originally took the picture. As usual, if you want your band off this comp, just email and your track will be promptly removed. 

The Ghosts of 13th: Killed By Apathy Vol. 3

1. Rope and Ride - The Guardians of American Morality
2. Mohawk Twist - The Jackals
3. Crystal Up My Butt - Billy Jack
4. Eraser - Oswald Five-O
5. El Mosquito - Los Mex Pistols Del Norte
6. Katie's Song - Now William
7. It's Your Life - The Crows
8. Carni Affair - Trey Gunn
9. Shaved Ape - The Venice Liberation Army
10. I Hate Punks - Edison Complex
11. Singled Out - Johnson Unit
12. Aversion Day - A Few Chairs
13. It's My Time - Marble Orchard
14. More Beer Now - The Rangers
15. I Must Kill - The Carrion Commandos

Friday, September 30, 2016

Ken Snead (R.I.P.)

Ken Snead, who passed away in 2012, came up in a recent Facebook thread and I realized I'd never posted this compilation cd of his bands. Apparently this cd was given out at his memorial service. I don't have band names or track listings so any and all help is greatly appreciated.

Ken "Animal" Snead  Memorial CD, 39 tracks


Saturday, September 3, 2016

Fire Clown "Junkie b/w Big Disease"

Adem Tepedelen - Guitar
Brian - Guitar
James - Drums
Karl - Bass
Jeff - Vocals

I know next to nothing about Fire Clown other than they rose from the ashes of God Bone and had this lone single on New Rage Records. Adem, can you help me out with history and details?

Junkie b/w Big Disease