‘Pop-up squat’: Activists occupy Knightsbridge property to protest Housing Bill

The activists host a variety of workshops, talks and performances aimed at educating Londoners about their housing rights

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Activists have occupied a Knightsbridge property and are squatting in it to protest the Housing Bill. 

Members of the Radical Housing Network, a London-based organisation that campaigns for housing justice, are inhabiting a property in the wealthy Knightsbridge neighbourhood 24-hours a day.

“We are legally occupying this space here, in an area that we probably wouldn’t be able to afford ourselves in a commercial way, in order to draw attention to the local community,” explained Edward Daffarn, who is part of the group. 

In the past, the property hosted several different pop-up shops over the years, but recently it had been vacant – until last week.

Now, by day, activists host a variety of workshops, talks and performances aimed at educating Londoners about their housing rights. And by night, approximately five to 10 people sleep in the space to ensure that it remains in their control.

The ‘pop-up squat,’ named in reference to the space’s former use, was launched ahead of this weekend’s ‘Kill the Housing Bill’ demonstration that will take place in central London and is supported by a number of politicians, including Jeremy Corbyn. 
