Ausbil eyes 130/30 listed investment company

Street Talk.
Street Talk. Jessica Hromas

More news out of fund manager Ausbil Investment Management. 

Hot on the heels of losing its two microcap portfolio managers and temporarily freezing redemptions from its Ausbil MicroCap Fund, the firm is understood to be preparing a new listed investment company. 

Sources said Ausbil has been working behind the scenes on a new 130/30 long short strategy. 

The fund would be listed, seeking to tap the growing demand from self managed superannuation investors and retail brokers and join the likes of Plato Investment Management, Antipodes Partners and Wilson Asset Management with a fund on the ASX-boards. 

A raising was expected imminently, however it is understood the new listed fund is now expected to come to market later in the year. 

Ausbil is a Sydney-based Australian equities manager owned by its employees and New York Life Insurance Company.  Its existing funds include Australian equities, emerging leaders, and microcaps.