Turnbull and Trump, businessmen-cum-politicians, go face to face

Turnbull and Trump will meet on Thursday in New York.
Turnbull and Trump will meet on Thursday in New York.

If Donald Trump asks former Wall Street bankers in his cabinet for insights on their ex-colleague Malcolm Turnbull's reputation as a global partner at New York investment bank Goldman Sachs, the US President may elicit some colourful responses.

"Brilliant", "ambitious", "unique" and "divisive", is how one former American colleague - who later worked in Washington politics - recalled of Turnbull.

When Trump meets Turnbull on Thursday in New York, the meeting will bring face-to-face two self-assured former businessmen turned politicians for the first time. It will offer a fresh start of sorts following a heated phone call three months ago.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, right, and National Economic Director Gary Cohn, were colleagues at Goldman Sachs ...
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, right, and National Economic Director Gary Cohn, were colleagues at Goldman Sachs with Turnbull. Carolyn Kaster

Trump is a flamboyant billionaire, risk-taking real estate mogul and celebrity TV star, who has carried those traits into the Oval Office.

He has hired former Goldman Sachs bankers, including Treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin and economic adviser Gary Cohn, both partners when Turnbull was the Australian head of the international bank nearly 20 years ago.

Multi-millionaire Turnbull was a ruthless investment banker, a cunning lawyer who represented Australia's then richest person Kerry Packer and a successful internet entrepreneur.

No shrinking violet, the Prime Minister privately "gave as good as he got" to Trump when the President lashed him about "the worst deal ever" over a refugee resettlement accord inherited from Barack Obama, sources familiar with the infamous phone call say.

Trump's history shows he acts like a schoolyard bully, dating back to the second grade when he claims to have punched his music teacher and given him a black eye.

Donald Trump and Shinzo Abe enjoyed a warm meeting.
Donald Trump and Shinzo Abe enjoyed a warm meeting. Andrew Harrer

"I'm very good to people who are good to me," Trump writes in his top-selling book, The Art of the Deal.

"But when people treat me badly or unfairly or try to take advantage of me, my general attitude, all my life, has been to fight back very hard."

Trump's earlier meetings with world leaders may be instructive for Turnbull in handling the unpredictable 45th President.

Trump is a stirrer and likes to keep people guessing, so Turnbull will need to be on his toes.

British Prime Minister Theresa May and U.S. President Donald Trump had some awkward moments.
British Prime Minister Theresa May and U.S. President Donald Trump had some awkward moments. Getty Images

Prompted by a journalist's question about Italy falling well short of the 2 per cent of GDP defence spending target for NATO members, Trump gently chided Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni as he stood beside him at the White House during a recent visit.

"Well, first of all, I love the question you asked the Prime Minister. I look forward to his answer because I'm going to be asking him that same question very soon," Trump deadpanned.

Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who has perhaps enjoyed the best meeting with the US President, said publicly Trump was an "excellent businessman" and congratulated him on the uphill struggle to win the November election.

Abe earlier visited Pearl Harbour to pay his respects where the Japanese bombed the US Navy 75 years ago.

The Coral Sea battle in 1942 cemented the US-Australia partnership 'in blood' in the Pacific. During the conflict, the ...
The Coral Sea battle in 1942 cemented the US-Australia partnership 'in blood' in the Pacific. During the conflict, the US Navy aircraft carrier USS Lexington went down with 36 aircraft and 216 dead sailors. Australian War Memorial

Abe also spoke of Japanese car makers and companies investing $US150 billion in the US to create American jobs and joked how Japan's infrastructure firms wanted to build a super-fast train from Washington to Trump Tower in New York.

Turnbull is no sycophant so flattery does not come so easily to him.

Nor does he enjoy golf like Abe, who played 18 holes with the President and professional Ernie Els at Trump's Florida resort.

So calling in Trump's Aussie golfer friend Greg Norman or the Queenslander who last year won Trump's Florida tournament - Adam Scott who candidate Trump lauded as a "great young man" - is not an option for the Prime Minister.

Donald Trump, congratulates Adam Scott  after winning the Cadillac Championship golf tournament in March.
Donald Trump, congratulates Adam Scott after winning the Cadillac Championship golf tournament in March. AP

Despite being an aggressive businessman, Turnbull is not really the political strongman type that Trump admires.

The planned photo of Trump and Turnbull together on the retired Intrepid aircraft carrier for the 75th anniversary of the Battle of the Coral Sea may be as powerful an image the Prime Minister can hope for.

It would symbolise a strong and enduring US-Australia alliance under their leaderships, whatever any personal and philosophical differences.

The scene of the scheduled event, the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum in New York, is where Trump once landed his helicopter on the flight deck during an episode of his reality television show, "The Apprentice", according to The New York Times.

Trump loves bold, big and strong.

He has lauded the strength of Russia's Vladimir Putin, praised Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and invited to the White House the renegade Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte, despite the trio's infamous human rights abuses.

Only days before meeting Turnbull, Trump shocked nearly everyone by declaring he would be "honoured" to meet North Korea's violent dictator Kim Jong-un under the right circumstances.

In contrast, Turnbull is a liberal internationalist, much like British Prime Minister Theresa May (at least pre-Brexit) and German Chancellor Angela Merkel who favours immigration and open trade.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and former US president Barack Obama had similar world views.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and former US president Barack Obama had similar world views. Pablo Martinez Monsivais

May and Merkel both had awkward White House meetings with Trump earlier this year.

Their globalist world views, as opposed to Trump's nationalism, are far more in line with Turnbull's and those of former president Obama and Trump's election opponent Hillary Clinton.

Wisely, unlike other global leaders Turnbull stayed neutral and did not meet Clinton when he travelled to New York last year for the United Nations gathering just before the presidential election.

Turnbull had first met the First Lady Clinton in the early 1990s and former Goldman colleagues recall him being a keen follower of president Bill Clinton.

Trump is a former Democrat so he's unlikely to care much.

When Turnbull and Trump come together at the Coral Sea commemorative dinner to honour surviving veterans from the defining 1942 battle against Japan, US-Australia watchers will be hoping they can forge some common ground and rapport.

Trump's Aussie associates, including Norman, media mogul Rupert Murdoch and Dow Chemical chief turned manufacturing adviser Andrew Liveris, will be among those attending as John Travolta struts the stage in front of 650 guests honouring the surviving veterans.

Billionaire Anthony Pratt and Westfield founder Frank Lowy, both expanding their packaging and shopping mall businesses in the US, will also be keen to see Trump and Turnbull enjoy a smooth outing together.

The Prime Minister's wife Lucy Turnbull will be there, possibly alongside First Lady Melania Trump.
