Travel tips: 4 suitcases is better than 1, says cosmetics exec Napoleon Perdis

A self-confessed people-watcher and collector, Napoleon Perdis likes nothing else than taking time out during his ...
A self-confessed people-watcher and collector, Napoleon Perdis likes nothing else than taking time out during his travels to soak up local culture.

The globetrotting chief creative officer of Napoleon Perdis likes nothing better than people-watching, and covering all bases on his travels. He answers our Traveller Q&A.;

First, business or economy

Whatever is the best value; it also depends on how long the trip is. The longer the trip, the more likely I am to travel business or first.

Most frequented destination

As I live in Athens, the most frequent destination is Australia. This is still our biggest market and I'm back regularly for business meetings, strategy presentations and personal appearances.

Favourite airports

I've got equal favourites: Zurich and Athens. Athens because it's just so easy to commute to, and to get in and out of with no queues. Zurich because it's cute and quaint, and it has great food as well.

If I ran my own airline I would...

I don't want to run my own airline.

Where would you go with a million air miles?

I would use them to travel back and forth to Australia, reducing the cost of travel.

Worst place you've been lost

The worst place I have been lost is Minneapolis [St Paul International] Airport. That airport is a nightmare.

Best trip ever

My best trip ever was at Lake Como. I just love the Grand Hotel Tremezzo. Everything is so beautiful, so well done, easy and very relaxing. You don't plan to do anything other than read a good book. It's like the set out of a movie.

Most memorable dining

My most memorable dining is the SPAGO in Beverly Hills [in Sydney]. I just love the way it feels. It's fabulous – the ambience, food, service, fireplaces and people-watching are quite amazing.

In the suitcase

I'm not a one-suitcase traveller. I travel with four or five suitcases so everything is in there. I can't make up my mind when I'm packing. I have this scarcity complex, so I always want to make sure I've got ample shoes, tops, jeans or pants, underwear or whatever. I always pack a little bit in each suitcase just in case a suitcase gets lost, then I'm not ever stuck without something I need.

First thing you do in a new city?

I try to get out and try something local from a very street-type food environment, so that I can taste the local flavours.

How do you make the most of a spare afternoon in a strange city?

I try to see if I can sit at a coffee shop that's in a really busy area so I can people-watch – I just like doing that. One of my favourite coffee shops to do that is Café Ruc, just off Rue Saint-Honoré in Paris.

Cure for jet lag?

My cure for jet lag is a chiropractic adjustment. Book it in and get your body aligned, it just works wonders.

Other travel tips

Always make sure you have a T-shirt, underwear and track pants in your carry-on luggage so that if you are without clothes you have something that you can change into. Oh, and I always carry antibiotics because you never know when you need them.

What technology do you use?

My iPhone. I do everything on it.

Best thing about travelling

I love experiencing new things and meeting new people. Wherever possible I love to immerse myself in the local culture. I'm a bit of a collector and it's amazing what you find off the beaten track.

I'm always pleasantly surprised and appreciative when airline staff approach me to tell me how much they love my products. And the feedback is great when developing new products.

Top travel gripe

Layover times. Where possible, I try to keep them to a minimum.