If we're going to destroy the 'dignity' of the Logies, let's go all the way

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This was published 7 years ago

If we're going to destroy the 'dignity' of the Logies, let's go all the way

By Ben Pobjie

There are times when the Logies thrill and inspire us all, as the highest accolade available to the stars of Australian TV, the greatest signifier of excellence we have. And there are other times, when the Logies just make us sad, like watching a legless puppy try to catch a frisbee.

The news that Logies organisers have arranged to have Chris Hemsworth present this year's Gold Logie, "if he doesn't have anything else on that night", falls into the latter category. Short of changing the name of the awards to The Losers, I'm not sure the organisers could have made a more humiliating self-own.

Chris Hemsworth has been asked to present the Gold Logie.

Chris Hemsworth has been asked to present the Gold Logie.Credit: AP

If Hemsworth does turn out to be too busy to present a Logie – and frankly, if he's not, then it's going to seriously weaken his bargaining position at negotiations for the next Thor film – apparently the Logies' "plan B" is Eric Bana. And if Bana doesn't show, they'll get Dave Hughes to do it.

Is that fail-safe enough though, Logies? Don't you think you should have a few more fallbacks? If Dave can't make it, maybe you should have John Blackman on standby. And put Marty Monster on retainer just in case John has a meat tray to raffle that night.

If we're going to destroy the dignity of TV's night of nights, let's go all the way, right?

Or maybe, how about we take pride in our greatest contribution to global awards culture, and let the Logies shine, cultural cringe-free? Let's tell Mr so-called Hemsworth that yeah, he can present a Logie, but only if WE have nothing better to do that night. And when he shows up in his tux, tell him, oh sorry, the Logies aren't on tonight: the Australian television industry had a previous engagement. And then we will see who the movie star is.

Ben Pobjie is a satirist and comedian.

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