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Geoffrey Rush on Genius and the brilliance of Einstein

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When Geoffrey Rush was asked to play Albert Einstein in a 10-part TV series, he worried it was a bad idea.

"I looked at what the character demanded," he says. "It's an IQ of 160, you'd have to be able to play the violin and talk about Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and sound really credible, and also you've got to be somebody who as you get older becomes deeply attractive to women.

"And I thought really, this is a no-brainer. I mean, how many other people are they even testing?"

Jokes aside, the 65-year-old had genuine reservations taking on such a historical icon, who came saddled with so many public preconceptions. But the makers of Genius chased him, hard. Theirs was a high-stakes play: National Geographic's first foray into scripted drama. They wanted to lower the risk.

To direct the pilot they brought in Ron Howard – whose A Beautiful Mind defined how the biography of a scientific genius translates to big-screen drama. And they wanted Rush, whose Oscar-winning turn as David Helfgott in Shine is still the outstanding acting template of the "brilliance" genre.

They even delayed the whole project so Rush could prepare for the role in the way he wanted. He was coached on the violin, and talked to scientists so he could feel that at least on some level he knew what he was talking about.


He went through footage of Einstein looking for clues. One moment stood out: Einstein walks down a ship gangplank and is greeted by a bunch of news reporters, and within seconds they're all laughing.

"There's just as much Groucho Marx in [Einstein] as there is scientist," Rush says. "And a bit of Harpo as well … he would take in the things that most people don't. There's a nice clown in there to play with."

Rush was meticulous about hair, make-up and prosthetics (with three fake tummies for different stages in Einstein's life). He visited the costume designers and wig-makers, even questioning the length of the crotch in his trousers – he wanted it longer to project the stockier look of Einstein.

He studied the dialogue closely and tweaked it – one writer said he brought more humour to the role.

He also worked with the actor playing his younger self – Englishman Johnny Flynn. They ran a physical workshop, shared a dialogue coach and discussed how their roles would join at the temporal seam. They interviewed each other in character, even wrote letters to each other in "cod Einstein", Flynn says. They found odd adjectives to describe Einstein – "he's lunar, he's twinkly".

"[Rush] got in touch immediately and extended a hand and was extremely generous," Flynn says. "He's done this before in Shine, he played the older character to a younger character. He talked about what worked when he did that … they didn't look anything like each other but they were brilliant performances that didn't leave the audience frustrated. He helped me understand that and just get on with it."

The makers of Genius also took no chances with another character – Einstein's second wife (and first cousin) Elsa – played by acclaimed actress Emily Watson. She's been Rush's on-screen wife twice already – opposite his Peter Sellars and his Hans Hubermann (The Book Thief). It made some scenes in Genius eerily familiar.

Says Rush: "In The Book Thief we played a German husband and wife and yes [in one scene] we did have Nazis knocking on our door and we had a [similar] scene in this, so I said [to Emily] I think in that one you stood on this side, so stand on that side, we'll make it feel really different."

Watson says it was a lovely treat to work with Rush again.

"We have a good rapport, and a language," she says. "We don't have to say much, necessarily, we really understand each other's way of doing things. It's like putting on an old coat."

And she loved the character – its depth and her role in Einstein's career.

"They have a molecular similarity and strength of character," she says. "in a way she was his manager, she guided him through this horrifically difficult part of history."

Executive producer and showrunner Ken Biller says Genius is more than just an Einstein biopic.

"His life wasn't just the life of his mind, he was a towering figure in the 20th century. He had this fantastic Zelig-like quality, he knew everyone and he was everywhere. His life was intimately woven up with all the major events of the 20th century – two world wars, the rise of fascism.

"We approached [Einstein] as though he was an artist. He was a bohemian, he had an artistic, visual, iconoclastic approach to science. And Ron [Howard] says one of the things the show is about is how close Einstein came to not being Einstein. Like any good story it's the journey of a very flawed hero."

Rush says he didn't play Einstein as a genius, just as he wouldn't play an alcoholic as "somebody who's constantly waving and weaving".

"I don't think I ever try to put on a 'genius face' where everyone goes 'he's so f---ing bright'," Rush says. "You don't play 'genius'. You play what he does, and in that action you might get a glimpse of where the brilliance is."

He was drawn to the idea that, for Einstein, "part of his scientific process was glorified daydreaming – thought experiments where he would think laterally, outside the box and imagine."

And he was drawn to the story.

"You realise how little people actually know about him … his estrangement from his children, complicated marriages, a sense of isolation."

Rush is wary of identifying genius in his own field. It's about resilience and endurance, he says, not an actor putting on weight and "nailing the accent". Barry Humphries is "borderline genius", he says – a man who saw something no-one else did and created a lifetime's work out of it.

The young Geoffrey Rush wanted to play among the stars – he was born into the age of the American space race and as a teenager deliriously lapped up news from NASA's space programmes.

"I was really always fascinated by that," he says. "I had books about the solar system, I gave lectures in grade 7 about the solar system. I had aspirations to be an astronomer."

But at senior school he "bombed out" in maths and physics. And at the same time he took over the running of the school drama club, and that was that – a life and a career in the arts unfolded.

"But I still read New Scientist and I try to keep up with quantum mechanics and black holes and dark matter," he says. "The Hadron Collider. I don't know how it works, but I'd like to go there."

He is in awe of those who do know how it works, and who use it to imagine the unseen.

When researching the role he seized on, and treasured, a quote from an old German philosopher.

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit; genius hits a target no one else can see."

WHAT Genius

WHEN Monday, 8.30pm, National Geographic