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  1. 22 perccel ezelőtt

    How President Trump spends his time after hours, the latest from

  2. 27 perccel ezelőtt

    A revealing tidbit: some top WH officials have privately griped about rollout/handling of decision. But few if any contested the decision.

  3. 29 perccel ezelőtt

    The 4 key people: Trump, Sessions, Rosenstein, McGahn. Still need to learn more about how exactly they interacted and shaped the decision.

  4. 1 órával ezelőtt

    Trump is expected to visit FBI headquarters in the next few days, per Huckabee Sanders on CBS News

  5. 1 órával ezelőtt

    Today's front-pager: A raging Trump, "strange" Comey, pained FBI officials, and a Rosenstein resignation threat

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    3 órával ezelőtt

    Busy morning ahead on the show ... joining us in the next hour: & more

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    10 órával ezelőtt

    "Rosenstein threatened to resign after the narrative . . . cast him as a prime mover of the decision to fire Comey"

  8. 10 órával ezelőtt

    Breaking: Rosenstein threatened to resign after WH cast him as prime mover to fire Comey, scoops

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    12 órával ezelőtt

    Tomorrow's Washington Post front page has 14 bylines on it. And that top story has more than 30 sources.

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    12 órával ezelőtt
  11. 12 órával ezelőtt

    Trump had “essentially declared war on a lot of people at the FBI" and "there will be a concerted effort to respond"

  12. 12 órával ezelőtt

    Multiple WH officials were cagey today when we asked about recent Comey-Trump phone calls and convos. Clammed up.

  13. 12 órával ezelőtt

    Trump wld angrily thumb through printed-out, leak-stuffed stories. Then see Comey/Russia on TV. Wanted FBI on leaks.

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    12 órával ezelőtt

    The WaPost has seriously been doing amazing work in the Trump era. Reporting has really helped keep the admin accountable.

  15. 12 órával ezelőtt

    Why did Schiller deliver Comey letter to FBI? He was nearby--and Trump trusts him. It was a 'Hey, Keith can do it' moment, per one official.

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    12 órával ezelőtt
    Válasz neki:

    Trump gave WH comms team almost zero notice of Comey firing—then became irate when it didn't play well on cable news

  17. 12 órával ezelőtt

    Why McGahn matters: Trump listens intently to him. Not only WH counsel but an aide with political capital due to Gorsuch, discretion, etc.

  18. 12 órával ezelőtt

    Again and again today, in talks w/ WH insiders, I was told to pay attn to McGahn. WH conduit to Sessions, shared POTUS fury about Comey.

  19. 12 órával ezelőtt

    Key moment was Monday afternoon, when POTUS told Rosenstein and Sessions to put their critique of FBI into writing

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