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George Christensen reveals drastic weight loss surgery: 'I have not been the picture of good health'

A firebrand Coalition MP has urged younger Australians to address the causes of their obesity as early as possible, after revealing he had 85 per cent of his stomach removed after his own weight reached the "point of no return".

Writing on his Facebook page, Liberal National MP for the Queensland seat of Dawson, George Christensen, said he had undergone the radical surgery, called a sleeve gastrectomy, for his own health and "to better serve" his electorate. 

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George Christensen's radical weight-loss surgery

Coalition MP George Christensen reveals on Facebook that he had 85 per cent of his stomach removed, after his weight reached the 'point of no return'.

"Now I can only eat small portions not exceeding about five semi-heaped tablespoons of food at any given time," he said. 

"It's radical but good health is worth it and I have not been the picture of good health in a long time."

He said he was 176 kilograms at the time of his surgery and that a healthy man of his height should weigh around 80 kilograms. He said he paid for the surgery, which was performed by Absolute Beauty Asia based in Melbourne, out of his own pocket and made no claims to Medicare. 

"Can I encourage those who find themselves putting on weight, particularly at a younger age, to do something about the problem now rather than reaching the point I did where it was near past no return in terms of sorting it out by exercise and diet."


He pledged to make the most of his second chance. 

"I'm determined to make the best of the new internal system by eating right and, once the stomach has fully healed, exercising regularly."

Mr Christensen follows in the footsteps of his former coalition colleague Joe Hockey, who as shadow treasurer, also underwent surgery to lose weight in 2013.  

He said he was "shaping up" to take on the role of Treasurer, a position he swapped for the ambassadorship to the United States after the leadership change to Malcolm Turnbull in 2015.

Absolute Beauty Asia said on its Facebook page: "It was an honour and a true pleasure to assist [Mr Christensen.]"

"We wish you well on your continued weight loss journey."

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