Christine GrimaldiTài khoản được xác nhận


Federal policy reporter for , covering reproductive health and justice issues in Congress. Opinions my own. Email:

Đã tham gia tháng 11 năm 2011


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  1. Tweet đã ghim
  2. Đang trả lời

    I wrote my last news item for the next two weeks in the car on the way to the airport. I'm dedicated, but now, I'm ready to sign off!

  3. Đang trả lời

    . will have ya covered in my absence on all of the things, especially w/r/t anything repro-related.

  4. Đang trả lời

    I promise I will come back refreshed and ready to keep fighting the patriarchy FROM THE INSIDE.

  5. Y'all, I'm leaving on my honeymoon in less than an hour. For my mental health, I need to avoid Twitter/Trump Tweets.

  6. Đang trả lời Đang trả lời

    Yes, I'm the last person in the world who does not have (nor want) a Kindle. Hence, the seven books split between my suitcase and carry-on.

  7. Does he mean the White House, too??

  8. Someone ask me how I pronounce "ricotta."

  9. I managed to reference antipasto, The Sopranos, and Rudy Giuliani (the head paisano of shame, aka the P.O.S.) -- pretty proud of myself.

  10. Đang trả lời Đang trả lời

    I end with Michael Scott's classic riff on gabagool. Grimaldi out.

  11. Đang trả lời Đang trả lời

    Does that count as the "pediacracy"? Don't parents generally want their kids to get ahead, regardless of how much money they make?

  12. Đang trả lời Đang trả lời

    They invested in me with their time, their love, and their limited financial means. I'm forever grateful to them for all of it.

  13. Đang trả lời Đang trả lời

    College isn't just some upper-middle-class scheme. My parents wanted better for me than sweaty 12-hour days in their dry-cleaning shop.

  14. Đang trả lời Đang trả lời

    Something else David might find informative: My parents never went to college. When I went, their combined salaries < the cost of tuition.

  15. Đang trả lời Đang trả lời

    IT'S GABAGOOL, DAVID. Have you never watched The Sopranos?

  16. đã Tweet lại

    Susan Collins and Rand Paul both sound like no votes on the motion to proceed. Dean Heller can kill this if he wants to.

  17. Đang trả lời

    I wouldn't have to make (educated) guesses if the White House or the groups provided any specifics. They did not.

  18. Đang trả lời

    3- Contingency plans should any of these anti-choice priorities go awry.

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