When friends or family help you name your baby

Ellen Degeneres helped Adam Levine and wife Behati Prinsloo name their daughter.
Ellen Degeneres helped Adam Levine and wife Behati Prinsloo name their daughter. 

When singer Adam Levine and his wife, Victoria's Secret model Behati Prinsloo, were expecting their first child, they found themselves in a common situation: unable to decide on a name for their soon-to-be arrival.

Adam started talking about this issue with his friend, Ellen DeGeneres, when he went on her talk show recently.

"The name game is a tough game ... Imagine you're writing the best song you've ever written in your life and you have to name it.

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"It's really screwed up to put yourself through that," he said.

Later the singer texted Ellen with the couple's favourite name to ask what she thought.

"She was like, 'I hate it. I think it's a terrible name,"" Adam said. 

So Ellen started giving him other alternatives - and one of the names she suggested was Dusty Rose.

Adam took the idea to Behati, who apparently wasn't that into it. But he didn't give up.

"I brought it back to her after the 11th hour and I'm like, 'Dusty's pretty cool!' And she's like, 'I love it!'" he said.

Soon after, Adam and Behati's daughter was born and, lo and behold, was named Dusty Rose.

Yes, the exact name Ellen suggested.

Australian mum Cathryn can relate.

When she was pregnant, she and her husband chose not to find out what they were having.

They settled on a girl's name "immediately", but couldn't agree on a boy's name.        

That was, until a few weeks before Cathryn was due. The couple were at a family barbeque when the conversation turned to baby's names.

Cathryn's sister piped in, saying, "Oh, this woman I used to work with named all her children after American cities, names like Dallas, Dayton, Boston ..."

Cathryn and her husband shot each other a quick look and Cathryn whispered, "Hey, Boston's a great name."

Her husband replied, "That's what I was just thinking."

While Cathryn admits her sister didn't exactly name her son Boston "on purpose", she still acknowledges her part in naming her nephew.

Jessica and her husband also chose their baby's name with the help of a family member - their then three year-old daughter, Maple.

Being a teacher, Jessica wanted a name she couldn't associate with any other child she had taught.

However, the Adelaide-based mum said that coming up with unique options was tough.

During the pregnancy, Maple started referring to her as-yet unborn baby sister as 'Morsberry'.

"When she said 'Morsberry' we were taken aback at how original and fabulous it sounded," recalls Jessica.

She says the couple were pretty sure that was the name they wanted to use, but didn't want to tell Maple that before the baby arrived.

"We said we liked [the name Morsberry], but we were still considering all options and that it had to be a name all three of us liked."

Once their baby girl was born, Jessica says she and her husband "just knew there was no other name for her".

When the couple told Maple they'd chosen the name she suggested, Maple was excited beyond belief.

"She loves telling people she made up the name, and I think it has given her an extra special bond with her little sister."

Did your friends or family help name your baby?