JAMS Electronic Filing System


JAMS mediators and arbitrators successfully resolve cases ranging in size, industry and complexity, typically achieving results more efficiently and cost effectively than through litigation.  JAMS neutrals are skilled in alternative dispute resolution (ADR) processes including mediation, arbitration, special master, discovery referee, project neutral, and dispute review board work.

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JAMS Electronic Filing System is a secure, online case management website powered by Case Anywhere. The system is available to parties in a JAMS arbitration proceeding for the purpose of electronically transmitting documents to and communicating with counsel, parties, and neutral(s).

Why Use JAMS Electronic Filing System?

Convenient Central Repository. No more searching through your mailbox, inbox, or file cabinet for threads of communications or documents. All of your case documents and communications are conveniently stored in a central repository that can be accessed by all members of your team. Easily sort and search for case records, calendar events, and communications between the arbitrator and counsel.

Streamlined Filing and Service. Paper filing and service requires firm resources better utilized elsewhere. Transmission of documents by email attachment runs the risk of large files getting blocked due to the size limitations of your server or Internet Service Provider.  As the JAMS Electronic Filing System uses document links rather than attachments, no more worrying about blocked or undeliverable emails containing important attachments. Moreover, no more waiting for large files to download before proceeding to your next email.

24/7 Access. Documents and message board communications are available 24/7 from any computer, laptop, iPad or other tablet with Internet access. Remote access is especially convenient when you are on the go or working from multiple locations.

Straightforward and Easy to Use. No training or manual is needed to start using JAMS Electronic Filing System. The interface is easy to use and intuitive. If a support need should arise, Case Anywhere professionals are available to assist you by phone at 800-884-3163 or email at

Private and Secure. All records uploaded to JAMS Electronic Filing System are available only to the arbitrator, firms of record, and party representatives. Strong encryption technologies are used to protect data transfer to and from the website.

For additional information including pricing sheet, and to request convenient and secure electronic filing and service for your JAMS arbitration, contact a JAMS case manager at 1-800-352-5267.

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