UPDATED: Revolutionary and Blogger Marcel Shehwaro Detained and Released

Marcel Shehwaro at Bloggers' Meeting 2013

Marcel Shehwaro at Bloggers’ Meeting 2013

First she was kidnapped by a Aleppo Brigade.

Time: an hour ago around 5ish PM Syria time today 17th March 2014.

Place: Jisr Al-Haj Square, Aleppo.

Reason: refusing to wear the veil.

Activist Mohammad Khalili detained with her.

Right now: she was transferred to a court common i liberated areas called Hai’a Shar3iya. They’re both detained there.

Marcel gave her Facebook credentials to a friend and posted the message below (translated by Joseph Dhaher):

—Beginning of the message —
I am Marcell Shehwaro
I am detained by the Sharia’ Council because of not wearing the veil in the liberated areas
This is the story as it happens:
We were with a youth group involved in a revolutionary activity at the Jisr Al-Haj square
The activity was consisting of putting photos of the martyrs of the revolution in Aleppo and planting trees at the roundabout
Then a leader of the Army of the Mujahideen called Abu Hussanein came and asked me to wear the veil because this area was under the control of the Mujahideen Army. After my rejection of the order, a car came full of armed elements of this group and they asked me to come with them.
The young men with me did not let them take me and and this led to shootings and fights, between the young men and the armed men and many different parties intervened.

In the end and after a long discussion among all the groups in which they explain me I needed to wear the hijab and then they would let me leave.
I refused and they detained with me Mohammad Khalili at the Sharia Council.

Note : I am author of The Post , quoting Marcel after she gave me the Password of her account and asked me to Post and tell everyone she is fine…

——- end of message——

Freedom to my friend, freedom to the woman that you are, the revolutionary, the Syrian. Freedom to your revolution from all kids of authority that are facing this beautiful revolutionary spirit.

Stand with Marcel, stand with women revolutionary power, stand with the revolution.

UPDATE: a protest was held in front of the court and demanded the immediate release of Marcel Shehwaro and Mohammad Khalili, and both were released shortly after on the same day.

Viva popular revolution, against Assad and all sort of authorities.

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