South Africa

Southern Insurgency: The Coming of the Global Working Class - Immanuel Ness

Across the Global South, new methods of combating industrial capitalism are evolving in ambitious, militant and creative ways. Southern Insurgency examines these organizations in three key countries: China, India and South Africa. In each case he considers the broader historical forces at play: imperialism, the trade union movement, the class struggle and the effects of the reserve army of labor. For each case study, he narrows his focus to reveal the specifics of each grassroots insurgency: the militancy of the miners in South Africa, the new labor organizations in India and export promotion and the rise of worker insurgency in China.

The colonial development of concentration camps

The practice of concentrating civilians in guarded camps or centres, specifically as part of a counter-guerrilla military strategy during wartime, long pre-dated and outlasted the Second World War. In the light of fresh research this article looks comparatively at the function of the camps in four different colonial arenas between 1868 and 1908.

Black concentration camps during the second Anglo-Boer war

African Anglo-Boer War prisoners of war in St Helena

The Boer war involved three networks of concentration camps. Boer (white) camps with women and children totalling around 115,000. Black camps with men, women and children totalling around 115,000, and overseas camps for Boer men in the tens of thousands

Women & Children in White Concentration Camps during the Anglo-Boer War, 1900-1902

The Boer war involved three networks of concentration camps. Boer (white) camps with women and children totalling around 115,000. Black camps with men, women and children totalling around 115,000, and overseas camps for Boer men in the tens of thousands

Role of Black people in the South African War

A short article from South African History Online about the role of black soldiers and workers in the second Boer war.

19 June 1901: The South African concentration camps

Boer concentration camp

Emily Hobhouse reports from inside the internment centres where Boer women and children face squalor and starvation (1901).

POW camps in Ceylon during the Boer war

Diyatalawa camp, Ceylon

Over 5,000 Boers were interned in Ceylon (Sri Lanka) during the Boer War. The Ceylon camps were the second set of overseas POW camps after those in St. Helena had filled.

POW camps in Bermuda during the Boer War

Contemporary newspaper article detailing the POW camps set up by the British for Boer prisoners during the Anglo-Boer war.

Boer POW camps in India

Boer prisoners camp Bhimtal

Short article on the Boer prisoner of war camps set up in India during the Boer War.

POW camps at St. Helena during the Boer war

Deadwood Camp, St. Helena

During the Boer war, Boer women and children, and black African men, women and children were kept in two racially segregated networks of concentration camps in South Africa. Boer men of working age were sent to camps overseas, beginning with St. Helena.