Shawn Hattingh

The Old Man and the Coup

Zimbabwe flag/map

This article looks at the recent events around the removal of Robert Mugabe from power in Zimbabwe. It argues that this will not bring liberation for the people of Zimbabwe, as it does not address the problems Zimbabwe faces - a ruthless ruling class, its state, capitalism and imperialism

Fueling the fires: South Africa in class war

The hope that the end of apartheid would herald a better life for the oppressed in South Africa has evaporated. Their conditions today are materially as bad as under apartheid - and even worse in some cases. But the upper classes are having the time of their lives. Working class struggles should be intensified and linked, based on self-organising and direct democracy to bring about real change.

No Pravin, it was not progressive nor redistributive

Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan

This article looks at the South African state's budget for 2017. Far from being redistributive and progressive, as the South African Minister of Finance claimed, it was rather a regressive and outright neoliberal budget.

In the ANC's battle of factions there are no superheroes

Jacob Zuma

The article looks at the background to the struggle to control the state by factions within South Africa's ruling African National Congress (ANC) and how this is linked to the legacy of apartheid and using the state to build a new section of the ruling class.

The deepening capitalist crisis: From blood and dirt to much worse

The recent fall of the Chinese and global stock markets are symptoms of a much deeper capitalist crisis that first erupted in the 1970s. Indeed, this crisis has not been overcome, but has rather given rise to speculative bubbles that often burst. This article, therefore, looks at the reasons behind the Chinese stock markets crashing, along with looking at how states have intervened again to try and shelter the ruling classes from the fallout.

South Africa's war in the DRC: Has Rhodes passed on the baton?

At a time when struggles are being waged to remove colonial and apartheid era statues, like those of the imperialist Rhodes, in South Africa; and xenophobic attacks have been happening in the county, the South African ruling class announced the continuation of the own imperialist war in the DRC. This article looks at this war and the role of South Africa's ruling class in the DRC.

The party is haunting us again

NUMSA members

The National Union of Metal Workers of South Africa (NUMSA) recently split from the African National Congress (ANC). As part of this it is exploring establishing a mass workers' party in South Africa. This article examines why this path is deeply flawed.

To vote or not to vote: should it be a question?

This article looks at the upcoming elections in South Africa on the 7th of May. As part of this, it looks at the dangers of activists promoting parties and electing to vote for one party or another, and how this creates and feeds into illusions in and about the state.

The crisis, quantitative easing and class war - Shawn Hattingh

This article looks at how quantitative easing (QE) has been part of the bailouts for financial corporations by states during the crisis, and how its tapering is likely to impact on the working class in Brazil, South Africa, Turkey etc. In doing so it traces aspects of class war and imperialism that have been heightened during the crisis and how these link up to the tapering of QE.

Why we should not vote

This looks at why the working class should not vote in the upcoming elections in South Africa.