Fueling the fires: South Africa in class war

The hope that the end of apartheid would herald a better life for the oppressed in South Africa has evaporated. Their conditions today are materially as bad as under apartheid - and even worse in some cases. But the upper classes are having the time of their lives. Working class struggles should be intensified and linked, based on self-organising and direct democracy to bring about real change.

The ANC’s South Africa: kleptocracy and exploitation

Zuma uses Gordhan as front for his corruption (cartoon)

The corruption of the Zuma regime has now reached scandalous levels but it was entirely predictable given the ANC's past.

Maldekstra Naciismo aŭ kiel trompi koncepton

Eseo sur la ideo de Jakvo Schram pri naciismo kaj "Maldekstra-naciismo.

A South African ruling-class brawl

This article looks at the factions of the ruling class battling for positions and control over the state in South. It considers whether such battles offer anything to the working class in the country.

No Pravin, it was not progressive nor redistributive

Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan

This article looks at the South African state's budget for 2017. Far from being redistributive and progressive, as the South African Minister of Finance claimed, it was rather a regressive and outright neoliberal budget.

In the ANC's battle of factions there are no superheroes

Jacob Zuma

The article looks at the background to the struggle to control the state by factions within South Africa's ruling African National Congress (ANC) and how this is linked to the legacy of apartheid and using the state to build a new section of the ruling class.

Another Abahlali baseMjondolo comrade has just been assassinated in Durban

South African shack dwellers' movement Abahlali baseMjondolo have just announced that Thuli Ndlovu, their Chairperson in KwaNdengezi has been assassinated. As the statement below indicates there had been serious threats against another comrade, Ndabo Mzimela, but the hammer of oppression fell elsewhere. The Marikana Land Occupation has been attacked by the ANC since this statement was issued. It seems that the Land Invasions Unit stood back and let the party members do the work. A women who tried to resist was attacked and injured with a spade.

They are using Facebook for live updates.

Abahlali: We were promised homes for all, not just for ANC party members

South African shack dwellers' direct action movement Abahlali baseMjondolo on the death and legacy of Nelson Mandela.

Why we should not vote

This looks at why the working class should not vote in the upcoming elections in South Africa.

Footsoldiers in a social war: the police, crime and inequality in South Africa - Christopher McMichael

Christopher McMichael on policing, the 'war on crime' and state repression in South Africa.