Woman confronts her cheating boyfriend, then orders coffee before really laying into him

Settle in for dessert. This is about to get good.
Settle in for dessert. This is about to get good.
Image: Shutterstock / Africa Studio

Eavesdropping on the conversation of strangers is usually pretty boring, but one woman in hit the jackpot.

Ashe Dryden was eating lunch at a restaurant Monday when the woman two tables over began confronting her longtime partner because he’d apparently been cheating on her with a friend. She immediately recognized the drama she had on her hands and began live tweeting it for all to see:

The accused definitely started to get restless under all the pressure, and at the same time the tweets about his behavior really picked up viral steam.

And that's when things went from good to great. You'd think you might be in a hurry to get that kind of fight over with and go on with your life — but no! The woman in question settled in for dessert and coffee.

That's when she really started calling him out on his very bad life choices.

Finally the coffee comes and the killer closing act begins!

Brad! Brad. What were you thinking, Brad? There's plenty more she had to say, and you should read the whole thread if you want to follow along in detail. But the bottom line is that this woman knows what's what, and she is going to be absolutely fine without Brad.

In the end, he said he had to go and the pair walked out together. There's no way this is the end of this particular soap opera, but at least we got a glimpse into this particularly compelling episode.

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