Top News

Opposition of Key Republican Deals Blow to Health Bill

  • The former head of a House committee that helped draft a bill to repeal and replace much of the Obama health care law came out against a new version.
  • The influential Republican, Fred Upton, said he opposed the bill because it “torpedoes” protections for people with pre-existing conditions.

White House Memo

A President Who Doesn’t Go by the (History) Book

The president’s comments about the Civil War underscored what seems to be a tenuous understanding of the events that preceded his ascension to power.

1. Cancelled a requirement for reporting methane emissions.

2. Rejected a ban on a potentially harmful insecticide.

3. Lifted a freeze on new coal leases on public lands.

4. Reopened a review of fuel efficiency standards.

5. Ordered "immediate reevaluation" of the Clean Power Plan.

6. Delayed rules increasing energy efficiency standards.

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The Superfood Gold Rush for Açaí

Like quinoa before it, açaí has become a craze among health-conscious Americans — creating a bonanza in the regions where it’s grown.

The Great Vietnam War Novel

Literature about the war by Vietnamese and Vietnamese-Americans is plentiful and good. Too few Americans read it.

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