- published: 29 Jul 2015
- views: 47318
SSU may refer to:
Actors: Amy Arter (producer), Nick Thomas-Webster (actor), Amy Arter (miscellaneous crew), Bryan McClure (miscellaneous crew), Bryan McClure (actor), Shawn Parsons (actor), Tony Nevada (actor), Joey Lanai (actor), Jenna Edwards (producer), Justin Hopper (actor), Wesley Freitas (actor), Justin Hopper (miscellaneous crew), Mark Sult (actor), Mark Sult (editor), Sean Durrie (actor),
Plot: A search and rescue team is called out to find two missing boys who have seemingly vanished without a trace in a remote, fire ravaged, mountain range. As the effort to find the missing teens intensifies Detective John Kilmer begins to suspect that they aren't simply looking for two missing boys but something far more sinister.
Genres: Thriller,SSU is a SWAT unit raised by the Sindh Police under the 'Promise of Peace 2020' initiative. Comprising of male and female operatives, the SSU is trained by the elite instructors of SSG in counter terrorist, urban warfare and hostage rescue operations. The SSU is ready to meet the security challenges which come its way.
교육생들이 입교한 지 어느덧 10주란 시간이 흘렀습니다. 앳된 모습으로 체력훈련만으로도 힘들어하던 교육생들이지만, 이제는 구릿빛 피부를 뽐내며 모든 훈련을 거뜬히 그리고 완벽하게 해내고 있습니다. 이는 체력도 마음도 그만큼 한 단계 성장했다는 증거겠죠? 그들의 교육과정도 이제 끝을 향해 달려가고 있지만, 훈련과 배움을 향한 그들의 열정은 끝이 없는데요. 그 열정 가득한 모습 화면으로 확인하세요.
대한민국 바다의 수문장 SSU - 바다라는 극한의 환경과의 사투 SSU만이 가능하다. 인간은 달에는 가봤어도 바다 가장 깊은 곳에는 가보질 못했다. 해군 해난구조대(SSU, Sea Salvage & rescue Unit)의 작전영역인 심해는 아직도 이렇게 인간의 기술이 미치지 않는 미지의 공간이며 곳곳에 위험이 도사리고 있습니다. 해난구조대는 이런 혹독한 환경을 극복하며 생명을 구조해야 하기 때문에 강도 높은 훈련, 완벽한 팀워크, 첨단기술의 숙달은 기본이며, 강인한 정신력과 체력은 필수이다. 처음 양성과정에서부터 강인한 정규 인원만을 선발하는 이유이기도 하다. 해난구조대는 1950년 9월 1일 ‘해군 해상공작대’로 창설되었으며, 1955년 ‘해난구조대’로 부대명칭이 변경되어 오늘날에 이르고 있다. 해난구조대의 임무는 해난 구조작전, 항만 및 수로상 장애물 제거, 심해잠수사 양성 및 교육훈련 등이며, ‘더 넓고 깊은 바다로’ 라는 표어를 내걸고 기술수준을 꾸준히 향상시켜 현재는 세계적 수준의 심해잠수능력을 확보하고 있는 최정예 심해구조 특수부대이다.
can still be around 5-10s faster
Heyho GTAS! I'm proud to finally present you the 10th offical crew video by SSU. This video kinda is what Orion was supposed to be and I think I don't lie when I say that this might be the best video of SSU so far. We luckily didn't have much complications this time, so pretty much everything worked out as we hoped. Stunting phase actually wasn't too long since we had some stunts left from our previous SA video. Furthermore we gathered couple more guys which speeded that up aswell. Those guys are jeff, Ktulu & Plani who deicded to come back to us (welcome in once again guys). With this amount of stunters we managed to create a video with 2 main parts which include some great variety imo. Stunters: Artifex, Cookie, FLeX, Franco, jeff, JustCaus3, Kai, Ktulu, MtS, Nauthiluz, Plani, PrzemOO,...
Fifteen (15) Commandos of Special Security Unit – SSU acquired Counter Terrorism Training from the Special Service Group – SSG of Pakistan Navy. On completion of 8 weeks Counter Terrorism Course, Mr. Maqsood Ahmed, Commandant Special Security Unit, as a Chief Guest while addressing at the Wing Award Ceremony held at the at Naval Special Operations Training Centre - NSOTC appreciated the support and cooperation of Naval SSG for imparting training to SSU Commandos. This was the first time that Sindh Police Personnel took such high level professional training from SSG Navy. He further said that such trainings enhance the professional capabilities of SSU Commandos to counter the nefarious activities of terrorists and criminals. 28.02.2017
훈련병의 품격 - 해군해난구조대 수중작전의 영웅들! 네번째 시간입니다. 지난시간 결색술을 통해 두뇌의 힘을 채웠다면 오늘은 근육의 힘을 단련했다고 하는데요. 어떠한 악족건도 이겨낼 수 있도록 온몸의 근육을 단련시키는 SSU만의 35가지 특수체조. 그 만만치 않았던 첫 만남을 훈련병의 품격 네번째 시간에서 확인해보세요.
Client : Global school of Media (Soongsil Univ.) Design & Animation : sujin yang making - http://yangsujin.tistory.com/435 behance - https://www.behance.net/gallery/20506179/Global-School-of-Media designer's page - https://sujinyang.com This is a Intro video
In 2027, everyone is implanted with a chip - the Memorize-chip. It records everything you see, a new system to fight crime. One unit controls the system. The SSU - Special Surveillance Unit. Written & Directed by Eric Ramberg and Jimmy Eriksson Want to see the TEASER TRAILER before this? https://vimeo.com/54362904 Director's note: We shot this piece in Sweden (Gävle, Strängnäs and Uppsala) on a "shoestring budget", using just one 5D-Mark II-camera (with Canon L-series lenses). Our very first mission was actually to help another company (Quixel) with some live-action shots/scenes to simply showcase their new texture-tool for 3d-models in games and movies, but instead we came up with this concept idea and created a full blown short film. Primarily, we wanted to do something visual and ent...
Vi fick i uppdrag av SSU att göra korta, illustrerade filmklipp baserade på statistik, som förklarar SSU:s viktigaste politiska frågor. Klippen togs fram för att kunna användas separat, och vi gjorde även gif-animationer av dem, för att kunna användas bland annat under debatter på twitter.
A brief taste of the SSU Experience - for more info, check out our website: http://www.ssu.ca
Study 3 of 13 on Discipleship “The devil likes to make common that which should be special. In today’s religious world, we often toss “I’ll be praying for you” like a passing greeting…polite but with no real connection. And then there are the stories of prayers that almost expected to have some gigantic miracle ending….When in actuality prayer is that form of communication that opens our hearts and connects us with God…that relationship builder between the human and the Divine that allows us to better understand His Grace and helps us to better live by His mercy with those around us. The devil likes to make common the gift of the Divine…but we can choose to take it back and make it special again. Just like Jesus when He took the formulaic and taught us about “Our Father…” connected and f...
Swedish Social Democratic Youth party wants a Nazi-free Europe. Before the european election in 2014 we created this film together with the creative agency Deportivo. Watch Rainer Höss, grandchild of Nazi-commandant Rudolf Höss, tell Europe to never forget our dark past. Please share and spread the film and read more about the campaign at www.neverforgettovote.com.
Study 1 of 13 on Discipleship “Today’s connected world can very well disconnect us from God and those around us. There are too many formulas for discipleship and too many who "borrow" from other humans to say "this is it! This is the true model of discipleship. I talked to an expert who read an expert who had lunch with a scholar…” Jesus…in his focus of God and his ministry to his community…should be how we lead our lives. Does our keeping of all of the commandments glorify God…or are they convenient only to us for personal or sub-cultural reasons? Are we treating those around us…even those who don't believe like us…respectfully? If the Bible isn’t our basis of discipleship all other models are human attempts for human recognition. Give me the Bible first…show me you believe in this as mo...
Study 4 of 13 on Discipleship Our producer collected media from his childhood for his daughter when she was old enough to comprehend. However, he was appalled at the images and how fear and foreboding was injected into the telling of some of Scripture. When he talked with others, their response was “Well it worked for us, didn’t it?” But did it? From his generation, many have left the church and have come back only for the sake of the children. Many don’t really know what they believe, but tell Bible stories with pretty much the same fear and foreboding. With this in mind, our producer began to produce the GraceLink videos on www.vimeo.com/sabbathschool and www.youtube.com/sabbathschool …and the response is amazing. The consistent response “these are safe stories to help my child underst...
10 000 paper airplanes spread the importance of equality To spread the message about equality and solidarity before the Swedish general election in 2014, we helped Deportivo and SSU to launch a campaign. We dropped 10 000 paper airplanes, with written messages from people on Twitter, over the wealthiest council in Sweden. The campaign has been on television all over Europe and talked about online all over the world. Agency: Deportivo, http://www.deportivo.se/ Created by: Snask
man on the bus screaming about presley man on the bus screaming about presley all tied up got a knot in his hands he says 'presley sucked on doggie dicks i'm the king of rock 'n roll if you don't like it you can lump it you gotta get me back to the base you gotta get me back to the base presleys been dead the body means nothing man in the back says presley sucked dicks with a picture of lil stevie over his head i'm in the back with a hole in my throat man on the bus screaming about presley rips a newspaper up in his hands helicopter shoots down a military spot everybody runs from screaming about presley