1 May 2017
Trump again warns North Korea against nuclear testing
By Peter Symonds, 1 May 2017
Washington is, in effect, blackmailing Beijing, warning that if China does not bring North Korea to heel, the US will do so through military means.
US warns of “catastrophic consequences” if North Korea is not brought to heel
Canada planning for war with North Korea
French right splits as sections back neo-fascist Le Pen
By Kumaran Ira, 1 May 2017
As the French two-party political system collapses, the National Front is developing overt ties with more traditional sections of the French right.
No to Macron and Le Pen! For an active boycott of the French election!
Mélenchon refuses to take a position in French presidential runoff
French youth speak to the WSWS in Amiens: “I’m looking for a movement that wants neither Le Pen nor Macron”
More on the French presidential election »
European Union issues hard-line Brexit negotiating strategy
By Robert Stevens, 1 May 2017
Under the guidelines, discussions on trade between the EU and the UK can only proceed after the divorce payment and agreement on other terms of Britain’s EU exit.
Ahead of EU Brexit summit, Merkel takes tough stance on UK
War rhetoric dominates UK snap general election
People’s Climate March protests Trump attacks on environment
By Patrick Martin, 1 May 2017
The march's agenda overlapped with that of the April 22 March for Science, but it was more closely tied to the Democratic Party and the trade unions.
Floods, tornados kill 13 across US South as Trump plans major cuts to disaster relief
By Eric London, 1 May 2017
Entirely preventable, this weekend’s tragic deaths were caused by the lack of public infrastructure, planning and spending on disaster relief.
Health care for 22,600 retired coal miners extended for one week
By Samuel Davidson, 1 May 2017
The extension of medical coverage for 22,600 retired miners for another 20 months is being considered, but such a package would likely exclude pensions.
Each day 150 workers die in the US due to hazardous work conditions
By Matthew Taylor, 1 May 2017
A new report from the AFL-CIO details the perilous state of the US workplace
Poverty among Michigan children greater in 2015 than during “Great Recession”
By Debra Watson, 1 May 2017
Michigan had an official poverty rate of 22.2 percent in 2015, more than at the end of the first full year of the 2008 recession.
Massive enrolment decline at Illinois public colleges and universities due to state budget impasse
By Alexander Fangmann, 1 May 2017
Republican governor Bruce Rauner, abetted by the Democratic Party, is using the budget impasse to force through wide-ranging cuts and consolidations.
Washington, D.C. public transit authority proposes major offensive against workers
By Harvey Simpkins, 1 May 2017
Employees in the national capital’s transit system are being threatened with millions of dollars in wage and benefit cuts.
Nationalists storm Macedonia's parliament
By Markus Salzmann, 1 May 2017
The long simmering political crisis in Macedonia intensified last week after followers of long-time Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski attacked the parliament building, injuring nearly 100 people
The Victorian teachers’ agreement and “performance pay”
What the Australian Education Union is suppressing
By David Cohen, 1 May 2017
The AEU’s claim that its deal with the Labor government is a blow against the “performance pay” regime and standardised testing is a fraud.
Amnesty report highlights companies profiting from Australia’s refugee camps
By Max Newman, 1 May 2017
Under Australian government contracts, corporations are making huge profits by running the brutal detention centres on Nauru and Manus Island.
New in Russian
Нет Макрону и Ле Пен! За активный бойкот французских выборов!
Политический комитет Партии Социалистического Равенства Франции, 29 апреля 2017 г.
Аргументы, выдвигаемые с целью шантажировать народ Франции и принудить его голосовать за Макрона, кандидата финансового капитала, против неофашистского кандидата Марин Ле Пен, являются комбинацией софизмов и лжи.
New in Spanish
Las cuestiones que plantea la Marcha Mundial por la Ciencia
La ciencia y el socialismo
Por el Partido Socialista por la Igualdad, 1 mayo 2017
Cientos de miles de científicos y otros profesionales, junto con estudiantes y trabajadores, fueron parte de la Marcha Mundial por la Ciencia del 22 de abril.
“Al personal del WSWS y sus lectores”
Una respuesta de un científico a “Ciencia y socialismo”
1 mayo 2017
La defensa de la ciencia no puede llevarse a cabo con base en un escepticismo sobre las capas más amplias de la población o el nacionalismo estadounidense.
Cientos de miles participaron en la “Marcha por la Ciencia”
Por Bryan Dyne, 1 mayo 2017
Científicos, investigadores, trabajadores y jóvenes marcharon en al menos 130 países de 6 continentes and la manifestación por la ciencia más grande hasta la fecha.
Estados Unidos pronostica “consecuencias catastróficas” si Corea del Norte no se rinde
Por Peter Symonds, 1 mayo 2017
El discurso de Tillerson, en verdad, es un ultimátum para el mundo: para prevenir la guerra es necesario que Corea del Norte se someta a las exigencias estadounidenses.
New in French
1er mai 2017 : la campagne pour un boycott actif des présidentielles françaises
Par Alexandre Lantier, 1 mai 2017
Ce discours a été prononcé à la célébration internationale en ligne de la fête international du travail par le Comité international de la Quatrième Internationale.
Nicolas Dupont-Aignan apporte son soutien au Front National
Par Kumaran Ira, 1 mai 2017
Alors que le duopole PS-LR s'effondre après le premier tour des présidentielles, le FN développe des alliances avec des sections de la droite.
Avant le sommet de l’UE sur le Brexit, Merkel adopte une position intransigeante envers le Royaume-Uni
Par Johannes Stern, 1 mai 2017
La chancelière allemande Angela Merkel a dit que « le Royaume-Uni n’aura pas les mêmes droits et ne peut pas s’attendre à être traité mieux qu’un autre membre de l’UE. »
Les États-Unis disent qu'il y aura des «conséquences catastrophiques» si la Corée du Nord n'est pas rappelée à l'ordre
Par Peter Symonds, 1 mai 2017
Le discours de Tillerson à l'ONU est en fait un ultimatum au monde: la seule façon d'éviter la guerre est d'accepter les diktats américains et d'obliger la Corée du Nord à capituler.
Les bombardements américains en Syrie et en Afghanistan:
Une nouvelle étape dans la répudiation du droit international
Par Mike Head, 1 mai 2017
Le militarisme américain débridé a mené l'humanité au point où les règles de la guerre sont bafouées sans ambages.
Allemagne : le parlement étudiant de l’université Humboldt refuse tout soutien à Baberowski
Par nos correspondants, 1 mai 2017
Jeudi, le parlement étudiant de l’université Humboldt a adopté à une très large majorité une résolution exigeant que l’administration de l’université retire son soutien au professeur de droite Jörg Baberowski.
Les manifestants anti-AfD à Cologne soutiennent la lutte de l’IYSSE pour la liberté d’expression à l’université Humboldt
Par nos correspondants, 1 mai 2017
Lors de la manifestation organisée à Cologne contre la tenue du congrès de l’Alternative pour l’Allemagne (AfD), l’IYSSE et le SGP ont distribué des milliers de copies de « La défense de la vérité historique et la lutte contre l’Alternative pour l’Allemagne (AfD) ».
New in German
Nein zu Macron und Le Pen! Für einen aktiven Boykott der Frankreichwahl!
Das Politische Komitee der Parti de l’égalité socialiste, 28. April 2017
Die französische Bevölkerung wird mit einer Mischung aus Spitzfindigkeiten und Lügen unter Druck gesetzt, gegen die neo-faschistische Kandidatin Le Pen für den Favoriten des Finanzkapitals Macron zu stimmen.
Lagebesprechung im Weißen Haus signalisiert Kriegsvorbereitungen gegen Nordkorea
Von Mike Head, 28. April 2017
Kommentare der Senatoren nach dem Treffen bewegten sich zwischen Unterstützung für Militäraktionen gegen Nordkorea und der Forderung nach einer härteren Haltung gegenüber China.
Vor EU-Sondergipfel: Merkel beharrt auf harter Haltung gegenüber Großbritannien
Von Johannes Stern, 28. April 2017
In einer Regierungserklärung schlug Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel am Donnerstag einen scharfen Ton gegen London an.
Studierendenparlament der Humboldt-Universität verurteilt rechtsradikalen Professor Jörg Baberowski
Von unseren Korrespondenten, 28. April 2017
Das Studierendenparlament der Humboldt-Universität hat die Universitätsleitung scharf kritisiert, weil sie Kritik am rechtsradikalen Professor Jörg Baberowski für „inakzeptabel“ erklärt hat.
Bombardier: Arbeiter am Scheideweg
Von Ulrich Rippert, 28. April 2017
Viele Beschäftigte der Bombadier-Werke sind besorgt und wütend, denn es wird immer offensichtlicher, dass die IG Metall eine Hinhaltetaktik verfolgt, um einen ernsthaften Kampf zur Verteidigung der Arbeitsplätze zu verhindern.
Berlin: Rot-rot-grün will „Moabit hilft“ vertreiben
Von Carola Kleinert und Verena Nees, 28. April 2017
Der rot-rot-grüne Berliner Senat hat die Flüchtlingsinitiative „Moabit hilft e.V.“ zur Räumung des symbolträchtigen Hauses D aufgefordert, in dem sie seit 2015 tagtäglich Flüchtlingen hilft.
Trumps Steuersenkungen: Ein Geldsegen für Konzerne und Reiche
Von Patrick Martin, 28. April 2017
Trumps Vorschlag für Steuersenkungen würde Billionen Dollar in die Kassen der Finanzelite spülen. Die Arbeiterklasse müsste dafür mit Sozialabbau und dem Rückgang ihres Lebensstandards bezahlen.
Other Languages
- Französische Jugendliche protestieren gegen die zweite Runde der Präsidentschaftswahl zwischen Le Pen und Macron (29.04.2017)
- Alitalia-Bankrott verschärft soziale Spannungen (29.04.2017)
- Abschiebungen nach Afghanistan gehen weiter (29.04.2017)
- Studierendenparlament der Humboldt-Universität verurteilt Jörg Baberowski (29.04.2017)
- Politische Krise in Mazedonien spitzt sich zu (29.04.2017)
- Trumps Steuerplan: Mehr Geld für die Oligarchen (29.04.2017)
- Nein zu Macron und Le Pen! Für einen aktiven Boykott der Frankreichwahl! (28.04.2017)
- Lagebesprechung im Weißen Haus signalisiert Kriegsvorbereitungen gegen Nordkorea (28.04.2017)
- Vor EU-Sondergipfel: Merkel beharrt auf harter Haltung gegenüber Großbritannien (28.04.2017)
- Studierendenparlament der Humboldt-Universität verurteilt rechtsradikalen Professor Jörg Baberowski (28.04.2017)
- Français
- Mélenchon refuse de prendre position sur le second tour (29.04.2017)
- Trump lance une menace de « conflit majeur » avec la Corée du Nord (29.04.2017)
- Les blairistes déclarent le Parti travailliste britannique non-éligible (29.04.2017)
- Lettre ouverte de l’IYSSE à la présidente de l’université Humboldt de Berlin (29.04.2017)
- Baisses d'impôt de Trump: une aubaine pour les sociétés et les riches (29.04.2017)
- Le briefing de la Maison Blanche signale une escalade des préparatifs de guerre contre la Corée du Nord (28.04.2017)
- L’élite dirigeante britannique voit la victoire de Macron comme un « avantage mitigé » (28.04.2017)
- «Dans une guerre nucléaire entre les États-Unis et la Russie, toute la population mourrait»
Des experts du nucléaire abordent les dangers d'une guerre entre les États-Unis et la Russie (28.04.2017) - Le Parti de l'égalité socialiste organise sa réunion du 1er Mai à Paris (28.04.2017)
- Non à Macron et à Le Pen! Pour un boycott actif des présidentielles! (27.04.2017)
- Español
- El recorte de impuestos de Trump: Una bonanza para las corporaciones y los ricos (29.04.2017)
- Detrás de la pantomima sobre el presupuesto, los demócratas respaldan la guerra de Trump contra inmigrantes y el aumento en el gasto militar (29.04.2017)
- !Ni Macron ni Le Pen! ¡Por un boicot activo a las elecciones presidenciales en Francia! (29.04.2017)
- EE.UU. intensifica campaña contra Julian Assange (27.04.2017)
- Macron y la neofascista Le Pen avanzan a la segunda ronda de las presidenciales en Francia (27.04.2017)
- Trump convoca a todo el Senado a la Casa Blanca (27.04.2017)
- Secretario de Defensa estadounidense pone en la mira a Siria con sus acusaciones de armas químicas (25.04.2017)
- Washington amenaza guerra contra Irán (25.04.2017)
- El mitin Pro Guerra de Philippe Poutou, candidato del NPA (25.04.2017)
- El silencio de la pseudo-izquierda sobre el peligro de guerra (25.04.2017)
- Русский
- Нет Макрону и Ле Пен! За активный бойкот французских выборов! (29.04.2017)
- Вопросы, поставленные всемирным маршем за науку
Наука и социализм (28.04.2017) - Эта неделя в русской революции
17-23 апреля: Ленин выступает с «Апрельскими тезисами» (26.04.2017) - Сочинения Троцкого 1917 года
1905–1917. (Ближайшие задачи нынешней революции) (26.04.2017) - Макрон и неофашистский кандидат Ле Пен выходят во второй тур президентских выборов во Франции (25.04.2017)
- Берлинский университет имени Гумбольдта пытается подавить студенческую критику Йорга Баберовски (22.04.2017)
- Эта неделя в русской революции
10-16 апреля: Ленин прибывает на Финляндский вокзал (19.04.2017) - Социально-экономические основы политики идентичности: Неравенство и рост афроамериканской элиты (18.04.2017)
- Американские СМИ: Трамп готовит «упреждающий удар» по Северной Корее (17.04.2017)
- Угольный кризис затрагивает Украину на фоне блокады Донбасса крайне правыми группировками (17.04.2017)
- Português
- As questões colocadas pela Marcha Mundial pela Ciência
A Ciência e o Socialismo (25.04.2017) - Por que estudar a Revolução Russa? (24.04.2017)
- Raça, classe e a eleição de Trump (21.11.2016)
- Estudantes secundaristas brasileiros continuam ocupações mesmo diante de enorme repressão (21.11.2016)
- Socialismo e a luta contra a guerra
Construir um Movimento Internacional da Classe Trabalhadora e da Juventude Contra o Imperialismo! (25.04.2016) - A pressão pelo impeachment e os perigos com que se defronta a classe trabalhadora brasileira (25.04.2016)
- Os cinco anos da Revolução Egípcia (12.02.2016)
- Governo brasileiro reprime protestos em São Paulo contra o aumento do transporte (30.01.2016)
- Estudantes brasileiros ocupam escolas de São Paulo contra plano de reorganização (22.12.2015)
- As lições políticas da traição do Syriza na Grécia
Declaração do Comitê Internacional da Quarta Internacional (08.12.2015)
- As questões colocadas pela Marcha Mundial pela Ciência
- 中文
- >>
May Day 2017: Lessons of history and the fight for socialism
1 May 2017
This speech was delivered by WSWS International Editorial Board Chairman David North to open the 2017 International May Day Online Rally, held on April 30.
Centenary of the Russian Revolution
This week in the Russian Revolution
May 1-7: April Crisis breaks out in Petrograd
1 May 2017
Newspapers in Petrograd publish a telegram by the Provisional Government’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, promising to abide by the tsar’s secret treaties and “fight the world war out to a decisive victory.” Workers and soldiers in Petrograd respond with massive anti-government demonstrations.
This week in the Russian Revolution
April 24-30: Trotsky released from British prison camp in Canada
Lecture on the centenary of the Russian Revolution
Spontaneity and Consciousness in The February Revolution
By Joseph Kishore, 26 April 2017
Chronology of the Russian Revolution »
International Committee of the Fourth International
Free the Maruti Suzuki workers!
Sri Lanka: Jaffna picket demands release of framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers
By our correspondents, 1 May 2017
Jaffna workers, youth, fishermen and housewives joined an SEP/IYSSE picket and public meeting to protest the witch-hunt and jailing of Indian autoworkers.
Sri Lanka SEP holds picket in Jaffna to free Maruti Suzuki workers
By our correspondents, 28 April 2017
Tamil workers in northern Sri Lanka support Maruti Suzuki workers
The frame-up of the Maruti Suzuki workers—Part 4: The police and company conspire against the workers
By Eric London and Keith Jones, 26 April 2017
The frame-up of the Maruti Suzuki workers—Part 3: The prosecution’s untenable “mob attack” narrative
More on the frame-up of Maruti Suzuki workers »
New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art considers mandatory admission charge for out-of-state visitors
By Fred Mazelis, 1 May 2017
In a city that is home to 79 billionaires, the resources exist many times over for free museum admission for all.
San Francisco International Film Festival—Part 2
Muhi—Generally Temporary, or, a real concern for human suffering
By Joanne Laurier, 29 April 2017
Lecture at San Diego State University
Should art be judged on the basis of race and gender?
By David Walsh, 27 April 2017
Researchers claim evidence that humans were in the Americas 130,000 years ago
By Matthew MacEgan, 1 May 2017
This claim is receiving wide attention because it is 115,000 years earlier than any date previously suggested for the peopling of the western hemisphere, based on existing evidence.
NHS Fightback
Health workers and residents in Bournemouth speak out against health service cuts
By Ajanta Silva, 1 May 2017
The following are interviews from some of those who have spoken to NHS FightBack during its campaign to oppose redundancies and the slashing of services in Bournemouth and the county of Dorset.
Bournemouth health workers attend NHS FightBack meeting against redundancies and cuts
Obama’s $400,000 speeches: Unabashed. Shameless. Provocative.
By David Walsh, 29 April 2017
US bombings in Syria and Afghanistan
A new stage in the repudiation of international law
By Mike Head, 29 April 2017
Fourth Arkansas execution ends gruesome eight-day state killing spree
By Kate Randall, 28 April 2017
The double-execution horror in Arkansas
Sri Lankan president calls on former army commander to “discipline the country”
Student parliament demands Humboldt University rescind support of Baberowski
By our correspondents, 29 April 2017
On Thursday, the Humboldt University Student Parliament passed a resolution by an overwhelming majority demanding that the university administration withdraw its public support for right-wing Professor Jörg Baberowski.
Demonstrators in Cologne support IYSSE fight for freedom of expression at Humboldt University
By our reporters, 26 April 2017
Open letter from the IYSSE to the president of Humboldt University in Berlin
Berlin’s Humboldt University attempts to suppress student criticism of Jörg Baberowski
More on the fight for historical truth »
Featured Interview
People get “melted into burning pools of fat”
Climate scientist Michael Mills describes the devastation of a nuclear detonation
By Bryan Dyne, 27 April 2017
Michael Mills has spent nearly a decade modeling the climatic effects of what the US military would consider a “limited nuclear war.”
From the WSWS Archive
The WSWS on the 2002 French elections
The WSWS is here reposting two statements originally published in 2002 calling for a boycott of that year's presidential election runoff between the neo-fascist National Front candidate Jean-Marie Le Pen and France's then-President Jacques Chirac.
Workers Struggles
Australia: Growing opposition to sell-out agreement among Victorian teachers and support staff
By our reporters, 29 April 2017
Striking college lecturers protest outside of Scottish parliament
By Stephen Alexander, 29 April 2017
“With these mergers, they just grab the money and go on to the next business target”
Spectrum workers in New York express anger after a month on strike
Writers’ Guild of America members authorize strike
Socialist Equality Party
SEP (Australia) and IYSSE public meetings
Stop the drive to world war! For peace, equality and socialism!
22 April 2017
The meetings will outline the socialist and internationalist perspective required to prevent the descent of the global capitalist system into a catastrophic third world war.
ICFI supporters in India call meeting on “World War and the Russian Revolution”
22 April 2017
Speakers will explain that the only way to prevent another world war is the mobilisation of Indian workers as a part of an international anti-war movement.
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