Report on International Politics and the Global Balance of Class Forces

Report on International Politics and the Global Balance of Class Forces

The following text is a public report for discussion written by a member of VCheKaH.

“Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed, stood in constant opposition to one another, carried on an uninterrupted, now hidden, now open fight, a fight that each time ended, either in a revolutionary reconstitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes… Our epoch, the epoch of the bourgeoisie, possesses, however, this distinct feature: it has simplified class antagonisms. Society as a whole is more and more splitting up into two great hostile camps, into two great classes directly facing each other — Bourgeoisie and Proletariat.” – Karl Marx, Communist Manifesto

“Marxism, before being a philosophical, economic and political system, is a conspiracy for the revolution. And as for us the revolution is the only absolute reality, it follows that philosophy, economics and politics are true only insofar as they lead to revolution. The fundamental truth (let us call it subjective) does not exist in economics, politics or even morals: in the light of scientific abstraction it is either truth or error, but for us, who are subject to revolutionary dialectic, it is only truth. And insofar as to us, who are subject to revolutionary dialectic, it is only truth, and therefore the sole truth, then it must be such for all that is revolutionary, and such it was to Marx. In accordance with this we must act (….) Marx… depersonalized Capitalism and Communism, having transformed the human individual into a consciously thinking individual, which he did with the extraordinary talent of a juggler. Such was his sly method, in order to demonstrate to the Capitalists that they are a reality of Capitalism and that Communism can triumph as the result of inborn idiocy; since without the presence of immortal idiocy in homo economico there could not appear in him continuous contradictions as proclaimed by Marx. To be able to achieve the transformation of homo sapiens into homo stultum is to possess magical force, capable of bringing man down to the first stage of the zoological ladder, i.e. to the level of the animal. Only if there is homo stultum in the epoch of the apogee of Capitalism could Marx formulate his axiomatic proposition: contradictions plus time equal Communism.” – Christian Rakovsky Symphony (Interrogation Record)

All we know of the story of the human species, the stories of our relations with other species we share our planet with, the life stories of every proletarian, everyone who spends their life working to make a living rather than profiting by exploiting, that is hiring and selling the surplus value created by labor minus its hiring cost verify the point Marx makes about the class struggle determining our daily lives. Indeed, the queer, strange, alien proletariat of our planet is guilty of staging conspiracy after conspiracy in order to change the social and economical system we are forced to live under. None of this is a secret for a significant portion of the global bourgeois class as well as politicians and bureaucrats. In most cases this awareness does not change the affiliations of these class enemies of the proletariat though the proletariat of course remembers that exceptions are indeed possible from a number of historical examples. That there has been a noticeable maturation in proletarian consciousness a hundred years after the October Revolution in Russia is evident from the collapse of centrist, social democratic and conservative democratic political ideologies traditionally aligned with the preservation of the existing system of capitalist relations. In the absence of these alternatives, a significant portion of the global bourgeoisie and political and social elites chose to cast their lot with racist, nationalist, sexist, fascist, Nazi, Stalinist, homophobic, transphobic, fundamentalist, democratic and human-supremacist political alternatives to the internationalist system of federal council republics proposed by the International Communist Party, the Communist Workers’ International, the Proletarian Revolutionary International Network and the International Workers’ Association.

2017 has been a year of intense political class struggles throughout the globe and the Earth Soviet Federation is an already declared reality waiting to come into being in the hearts and dreams of the masses, however the proletariat is well aware that we are still in an ongoing revolutionary process. Given the unlikeliness of the human species and other species co-dependent with humanity to survive another World War beyond the permanent cycle of war various parts of the world have been forced to get used to permanently endure, a vitally important point of our operation was preventing a third imperialist holocaust. The historically unforgettable joint stand and military strike of the united armies of the world that came together to constitute the International Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Liberation Army was successful in preventing the racist and imperialist plot of starting a new world war, organized by the Former Vice President of the United States of America, Mike Pence and the Ku Klıx Klan he personally lead, the Juche-fascists bourgeois elites of Northern Korea, the Fetullah Gülen Terror Cult and the LaRouche Fascist Terror Organization. The Heretic Renaissance Emergency Committee (VCheKaH) has been established as an organic part or the International Communist Party in this process as an internationalist intelligence and information organization and a weapon of the proletariat in the class struggle. The Kurdistan unit of VCheKaH, TAK (Teyrêbazên Azadiya Kurdistan) Vejin has claimed responsibility for a number of political operations which, according to confirmed reports resulted in the deaths of a number of local culprits of this global war effort effort in Anatolia and Kurdistan, such as Doğu Perinçek, Abdullah Çatlı, Mehmet Ağar, Mustafa Destici and Abdullah Öcalan. Mr. Öcalan was killed directly by TAK Vejin since due to his history of betraying comrades and eventually the entire Kurdistan Workers’ Party to the White Turkish Imperialist Terror State Organization as well as his history of raping many party comrades, Mr. Öcalan was a dead man by the laws of the organization, so TAK Vejin had to act before the death penalty became legal again in order prevent the enemy from taking the life of this traitor to the cause of the Kurdish proletariat. The full details of VCheKaH’s international operation haven’t been disclosed to the public yet but among known targets confirmed dead are Mike Pence, Fetullah Gülen and Mikhail Gorbachov, also include the dismantling of three fake left-communist groups, the so-called Internal and External Fractions of our party’s International Communist Current and the racist and rape-covering Internationalist Communist Tendency organization, whose connections with left-fascists in the former USSR proved only to be the visible part of the iceberg. As we established Heretic Renaissance Emergency Committee or Vejina Cheka Heretika of the International Communist Party as a younger generation of revolutionaries, we were well aware that we were taking over the torch from the previous revolutionary generations of left-wing communist fractions in the proletarian movement. We were confronted with a complicated situation due to the tactics imposed by the conditions of illegality for the international communist fraction in the ex-USSR above all and other countries where similar tactics were necessary where we had to gradually assume responsibility for our VCheKaH’s predecessors’ medical and field operations targeting a number of enemies of the proletariat. Unsurprisingly and understandably, the press has been silent on our operation as the struggles of the world proletariat rapidly gaining consciousness and proletarian revolutionaries caused major paradigm shifts in the fields of social and natural science, philosophy, politics, sports and art. In general, we can describe our activities as the VCheKaH to be within the scope of a cultural war between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, signaled by Lenin who was well aware of the direction the Russian state was taking and whose intention was to avenge the defeated proletarian revolution which appeared doomed to fail in the former Ottoman Empire and in Anatolia, Kurdistan, Thrace, Hellas and the Aegean islands. With this in mind, Lenin called for a cultural revolution in Russia where the proletarian revolution was already surrounded by the bourgeois counter-revolution of the bureaucratic apparatus:

“Two main tasks confront us, which constitute the epoch—to reorganize our machinery of state, which is utterly useless, in which we took over in its entirety from the preceding epoch; during the past five years of struggle we did not, and could not, drastically reorganize it. Our second task is educational work among the peasants. And the economic object of this educational work among the peasants is to organize the latter in cooperative societies. If the whole of the peasantry had been organized in cooperatives, we would by now have been standing with both feet on the soil of socialism. But the organization of the entire peasantry in cooperative societies presupposes a standard of culture, and the peasants (precisely among the peasants as the overwhelming mass) that cannot, in fact, be achieved without a cultural revolution. Our opponents told us repeatedly that we were rash in undertaking to implant socialism in an insufficiently cultured country. But they were misled by our having started from the opposite end to that prescribed by theory (the theory of pedants of all kinds), because in our country the political and social revolution preceded the cultural revolution, that very cultural revolution which nevertheless now confronts us.” – Vladimir Lenin, On Cooperation

The defeat of the proletarian revolution in Russia and the USSR, evident since the suppression of the proletarian Kronstadt Revolt in 1921 resulted in a reality opposite of what Lenin hoped for: a cultural counter-revolution lead by Stalin where every cultural gain made by the Russian proletariat against patriarchy, imperialism and colonialism in decriminalizing homosexuality and permitting lesbian marriages, legalizing abortion, giving national and ethnic minorities their cultural rights and autonomy, establishing nature preservation zones and so forth were one by one abolished by the bureaucratic bourgeois regime. Yet the Stalinist counter-revolution, supported by the counter-revolutionary ruling regimes of both Nazi Germany and prohibitionist New Deal United States when it was the Bolshevik Party’s turn to be murdered, in turn made a global proletarian cultural revolution a necessity along with the new political and social revolutions that would inevitably rise again according to the historical laws of class struggle. Thus taking a broader view at the question of culture we can say that the history of all hitherto class struggles have also been the history of a never ending culture war between the proletariat of different ages and the ruling classes. Undoubtedly the only form of culture which can be considered purely proletarian is the culture of proletarian struggle; however all culture is a battlefield of the cultural war between classes and authentic cultural self-expressions of the proletariat, even when they’re also influenced by bourgeois and petty-bourgeois cultural elements have the potential to become fully proletarians. This is caused by the ongoing nature of the class war in workers’ daily life in factories, households, offices, barracks and fields which, when it takes the form of a collective struggle against the bourgeoisie becomes more powerful than an atomic bomb. According to Rakovsky:

“If the class struggle, in the economic sphere, turns out to be reformist in the light of its first results, and for that reason contradicts the theoretical presuppositions, which determine the establishment of Communism, then it is, in its real and true meaning, purely revolutionary. But I repeat again: it is subject to the rules of conspiracy, that means to masking and the hiding of its true aims … The limitation of the surplus value and thus also of accumulations as the consequence of the class struggle – that is only a matter of appearances, an illusion, in order to stimulate the basic revolutionary movement in the masses. A strike is already an attempt at revolutionary mobilization. Independently of whether it wins or not, its economic effect is anarchical.” – Christian Rakovsky, Red Symphony (Interrogation Record)

The struggles that have been escalating for the last two decades show clear signs of a maturation which seems to have altered the course and narratives of world politics permanently. Due to the deepening economic crisis, in many parts of the world the proletariat is yearning towards a revolutionary social change, screaming how desperately it needs this change in every gesture and behavior. 2017 will be remembered as the year the world proletariat once again took the stage of history, with the massive pro-refugee and immigrant strikes, prison struggles and mass struggles for Black, brown and red lives and living conditions in the US, internationalist and anti-war strikes in Italy, mass protests in Anatolia, Kurdistan, Hellas, France and many other countries, globally massive 8th of March and 1st of May marches and the ever-record breaking number of strikes in China and South Pacific to name a few examples. Moreover, politically 2017 will be remembered as a year where the urban working classes globally managed to assume common cause with a number of social issues effecting the lives of proletarians such as education, ecology and opposition to discrimination and domestic and public patriarchal, homophobic, transphobic and pedophiliac terror and extended bonds to the proletarians and semi-proletarians in the countryside. This was above all possible thanks to the discovery of Amadeo Bordiga’s incredibly well nuanced position on the issue.1 Also important was the emphasis we made that feminism was at the roots of the marxist current and the problems of patriarchy, reproduction and sexism were deeply interconnected, also a point reminded more than half a century ago by Bordiga2. The wave of sex strikes organized by proletarian women and queers, though seemingly silent, had a massive impact in the course of history. Last but not least, like the soldiers one hundred years ago, 2017 became a year where soldiers took a united internationalist stand against against war. The Western media talked of a silent coup in the United States for months while the academia spoke of Byzantine palace conspiracies, and Maria Zakharova of the Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation accurately spoke of “the game of American thrones. It is a war of internal political clans, military-financial, political and financial structures”. In fact, what the North American public was witnessing was none other than the continuation of the old civil war against racism. The latest outcome of this conflict was for Donald Trump, President of the United States of America, a country waiting to be formally abolished, to become the spokesperson of the new Co-President of the United States of Ohia (the new name of the country adopted by all its proletarian residents) Provisional Government, Ivanka Trump. Yet when the military strike in Ohia was happening, the immediate move of the US Division of the International Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Liberation Army was the declaration of Federal America, strikingly confirming Trotsky’s old prediction about how a revolutionary process would take place in the New World:

“Within a few weeks or months of the establishment of the American soviets, Pan-Americanism would be a political reality. The governments of Central and South America would be pulled into your federation like iron filings to a magnet. So would Canada. The popular movements in these countries would be so strong that they would force this great unifying process within a short period and at insignificant costs. I am ready to bet that the first anniversary of the American soviets would find the Western Hemisphere transformed into the Soviet United States of North, Central and South America, with its capital at Panama.”

– Leon Trotsky, Should America Go Communist

In truth, the proletariat of the United States of Ohia was long aware that the only solution to the problems of racism, discrimination and poverty it faced in its everyday life was a social revolution. The reality of proletarian life in the US was strikingly different from the dreams sold on television. Yet due to a number of cultural and historic reasons, Trotsky’s formula of a Federal US didn’t work out because South American countries preferred independent, language-based federations. Now, Turtle Island (Native name for North America) Federation, to include Canada, Iceland, Ohia and Mexico is considered as a serious possibility. Aside from geopolitical reasons, it is important to note that the United States under the Ivanka and Donald Trump regime is not a soviet republic yet, it is only a banana republic where municipal city councils play an important role in public affairs. Due to the strong hold of the trade-union bureaucracy among the proletariat in the West, spontaneous workers’ councils have yet to appear beyond the form of mass assemblies which are, nevertheless very significant expressions of proletarian struggle. Hence, the North American proletariat is patiently and with iron discipline preparing for the days when they can make the utmost contribution to the world revolution:

“Nowhere else has the study of the internal market reached such intensity as in the United States. It has been done by your banks, trusts, individual businessmen, merchants, traveling salesmen and farmers as part of their stock-in-trade. Your soviet government will simply abolish all trade secrets, will combine all the findings of these researches for individual profit and will transform them into a scientific system of economic planning. In this your government will be helped by the existence of a large class of cultured and critical consumers.”

– Leon Trotsky, Should America Go Communist

Only because of this disciplined network of proletarian solidarity was it possible for the VCheKaH to be formed in the city where the American Federation of Labor, most famous of all racist, sexist, patriarchal and imperialist trade-union federation had been founded and was based. Not only were the military intelligence organizations of all armies that constitute the International Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Liberation Army united around VCheKaH; the activity of organizations like the Chinese Ministry of State Security, the Russian Federal Security Bureau and the American Federal Bureau of Investigations were internationally merged as well and the organization of Bolshevik associations among police organizations was promoted to combat racist, fascist, Nazi and fundamentalist infiltration. The workers of the US Central Intelligence Agency declared the organization disbanded and assumed the name Congress of Internationalist Associations, aligning with the Industrial Workers of the World. It is important to note that all these arrangements took place due to the initiative of the workers of these organizations themselves. While unfortunately our efforts against the racist, fundamentalist and nationalist warmongers haven’t succeeded entirely, we have caused a lasting shift in international politics. The foreign policies of at least four governments around the world demonstrate a commitment to the principles of proletarian internationalism in being sensitive about preventing a new world war while maintaining an anti-imperialist stance at the same time. The first two examples are the Bashar Assad government in Syria and the Kim Jong-un government in Northern Korea. The two leaders had a similar message to the world: that they were not their fathers and that they did not want to follow in their footsteps. Bashar Assad transmitted an apology on taking a narrow Arab supremacist view on the resolution of the war in Syria against the Kurdish proletariat while Kim Jong-un declared the hold of Juche-fascism in Northern Korea to be over. Vladimir Putin is another example, despite often facing difficulty with the bureaucratic bourgeoisie as recently seen when flattering imagery depicting Putin as a drag queen was censored in Russia. Everyone in the former Soviet Union know their basic marxism about the dynamic of class struggle. Though Putin publically flirted with Stalinism for a while and complained of – in reality reminded the world – Lenin leaving a time bomg under Russia and the rest of the world, eventually United Russia settled in its role as a left-populist government far more radical than the Stalinist Communist Party of the Russian Federation and liberal oppositions. Vladimir Putin, being a former head of the FSB and a supporter of VCheKaH, is engaged in open factional work in United Russia on behalf of the party and as Marx and Lenin’s support for anarchy has become public knowledge, the section of our International Communist Party in Russia is none other than the core anarcha-communist union of proletarians called KRAS, which is also a section of the International Workers’ Association at large. Lastly a look at Xi Jinping’s foreign and domestic policy demonstrates that Xi is clearly following the path laid by the organized power of the proletariat of China in promoting intercultural and internationalist dialogue and cooperation and constantly urging restraint against the danger of wars. It is known that during Mao Zedong’s so-called “revolution”, in reality palace conspiracy with the likes of Richard Nixon and Leonid Brezhnev against proletarian culture in China, not only were homosexuals and birds were subjected to torture and murder but the works of great proletarian artists such as Nazım Hikmet and Berthold Brecht were burned. The left-wing of the Communist Party of China adopts a different path, that of Zheng Chaolin, one of the most important internationalist communist theorists of the last century who spent as much time in prison as the French revolutionary Auguste Blanqui. As Zheng Chaolin wrote in the early 1940ies:

“To view the question of national liberation in China as a bourgeois democratic task comparable to that of Holland, the United States, Italy, Norway and Belgium is to be concerned merely with form and not with content. The gaining of the national independence of these countries was undoubtedly a bourgeois democratic task, because they were seeking independence from what are generally capitalist or feudal ‘strong states’, but not from imperialist states, especially not from post World War imperialist states. It is possible to win independence from ‘strong states’ within the limits of a bourgeois democratic revolution. But to liberate China from the various imperialists is to strike a blow at the foundations of imperialism, and is characteristic of the proletarian revolution. This project cannot be carried out by the Chinese bourgeoisie. In historic terms, even the bourgeois democratic revolution (let alone a bourgeois democratic revolution led by the proletariat) cannot be completed. To complete this project, the revolution must rise above the limitations of bourgeois democracy. In doing so, it is necessary to bring about the dictatorship of the proletariat.”

– Zheng Chaolin, On The Nature of Revolution

History as undoubted proven Zheng Chaolin correct since the declaration of a mere bourgeois “people’s republic”, though a more serious political classification than the banana republics most of the world proletariat is used to, did not manage to liberate the proletariat and peasantry of China from imperialism or capitalism. Quite the contrary, with the exception of Jiang Qing and her comrades who were murdered, all statesmen who ruled China since Chang Kai Shek, including Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping and even Hu Jintao ruled an essentially corrupt bourgeois people’s republic hand in hand with the major imperialist powers of the world. Xi Jinping, known for an independent foreign policy encouraging internationalist cooperation and fraternization and orchestrating a conscious return to reading Marx in China, represents the left-wing of the Communist Party and his presidency is in line with the wishes of the Chinese proletariat fighting against the national and international bourgeoisie, the great imperialist powers and the imperialist ambitions of Chinese capitalists too and the Communist Party of China, section of the International Communist Party openly acknowledges these errors of the Stalinist party leaders of the past. The proletariat of China declared their dictatorship though their voice hasn’t been heard by the international media yet and indeed, China’s form of government hasn’t officially changed yet either. Nevertheless Xi Jinping represents a proletarian left voice in the Communist Party of China that wants to read and cherish Nazım Hikmet and Berthold Brecht, make sure LGBT proletarians can enjoy life safely and happily and contribute to a more ecologically harmonious planet for our species to share with the birds too. We should also highlight the significance of the hard line against corruption Xi Jinping and his comrades are taking in domestic policy, which represents a philosophy in line with the left-wing of the party in the late 1960ies, expressed by the Sheng-Wu-Lien or the Hunan Provincial Proletarian Revolutionary Great Alliance Committee:

“The bourgeoisie always represent the form of political power of their rule as the most perfect, flawless thing in the world that serves the whole people. The new bureaucratic bourgeoisie and the brutes of the Right-Wing of the petty bourgeoisie who depend on them are doing exactly that… We really believe, that ninety per cent of the senior cadres should stand aside, that at most they can only be objects to be educated and united. This is because they have already constituted a decaying class with its own particular ‘interests.’ Their relation with the people has changed from the relation between the leaders and the led in the past to that between exploiters and the exploited, the oppressors and the oppressed. Most of them consciously or unconsciously yearn for the capitalist road, and protect and develop capitalist things. The rule of their class has completely blocked the development of history… In the new society of the Paris Commune type this class will be overthrown… The class (of bureaucrats) will be replaced by cadres with true proletarian authority naturally produced by the revolutionary people in the struggle to overthrow this decaying class. These cadres are members of the commune. They have no special privileges. Economically they get the same treatment as the masses in general. They may be dismissed or changed at any time in accordance with the demands of the masses… Let the new bureaucratic bourgeoisie tremble before the true socialist revolution that shakes the world! What the proletariat can lose in this revolution is only their chains, what they gain will be the whole world! The China of tomorrow will be the world of the ‘Commune.’”

– Sheng-Wu-Lien, Whither China?

As the left wing of the Communist Party of China was engaged in the process of replacing corrupt bureaucrats by militant cadres with true proletarian authority, the communist fraction in the Middle East and above all in Anatolia and Kurdistan was busy protecting the rich proletarian art produced by the region. Hence, the Milli İstihbarat Teşkilatı (MİT – National Information Organization) of the former Republic of Turkey worked with the German Federal Intelligence service (since as we’ve been informed, Angela Merkel, neither a Christian or a Democrat but an Eastern free-loving communist who privately confessed to being a supporter of our VCheKaH as well as being the real life Angela from the tv show Mr. Robot), Kurdish TAK Vejin, ASALA, TPTG and in general our party’s Vejina Cheka Heretika in an attempt to expose the mountainous corruption President Erdoğan and his government had gotten into, while protecting the anonymity of individual celebrities who had relations with high-ranking members of Erdoğan’s government in order to prevent the Fetullah Gülen Terror Cult from exploiting private lives of individuals in an attempt to discredit them and feed the patriarchal value norms prevalent among the masses. As the author of the article, I personally received the information that a coup d’etat against the Erdoğan government was being planned from an article published by an ex-Pentagon journalist called Michael Rubin and I immediately spread the information to comrades from the Pale Blue Jadal group as well as an old comrade from the Enternasyonalist Komünist Sol group and former International Communist Current member, Devrim Valerian. While probably other people noticed the article too, as far as we know, it was us who spread the information about this possibilitiy and thus caused the Gülenist coup d’etat plot to be foiled. Hence we found ourselves in a situation where the members of the government we had openly threatened after the Soma massacre where hundreds of workers died due to lack of safety precautions ended up owing their lives to us. It should be remembered that the Gezi protestors were kind and merciful in never demanding Erdoğan’s head but only his resignation despite the police forces murdering young protestors in the streets on Erdoğan’s orders. How afraid Erdoğan is of ending up like Qaddafi is well known. Thus, having stolen the recent constitutional referendum in the very soon to be officially former3 Republic of Turkey for a yes vote Erdoğan follows the only path available to him, a coalition with the leader of the gray wolf Nationalist Movement Party, Devlet Bahçeli who knows that the Turkish racist ideology of his party is long dead because ethnic Turks are a small minority in Anatolia, making up at most 10% of the population and for the most part they aren’t impressed by White Turkish racists either. It is known in the former Republic of Turkey that Mr. Erdoğan is an avid reader of philosophy especially impressed by Hegel and Gramsci, so it is safe to assume that he knows of Marx and Bordiga and that is class struggle that makes history. Thus if Mr. Erdoğan does not oblige with the old demand of the proletarian masses of the Gezi protests and resigns, the proletariat will be happy to confiscate his palace built on stolen land so that revolutionaries can make better use of the building and move Mr. Erdoğan in with a community of retired Kemalists in the North Aegean region when the time is ripe for the proletarian revolution. History will remember Mr. Erdoğan with his patriarchal anti-abortion policies, vicious police and state terror and the 1400% increase in the murder of women during his reign; Mr. Duterte with his bloody campaigns against youth culture of smoking marijuana as well as Muslims; Mr. Barzani with his record breaking corruption and lifelong treachery against Kurdish proletarians; Mr. Trump, Mr. Blair, Mr. Obama and the Clintons with their endless greed and countless other dead politicians from history as footnotes, politicians who tried to become Napoleon Bonaparte in their own ways and ended up quite far off from where they imagined themselves. The names of Berkin Elvan, Medeni Yıldırım, Ali İsmail Korkmaz, Ethem Sarısülük, Ahmet Atakan, Abdullah Cömert, Hasan Ferit Gedik, Mehmet Ayvalıtaş and all the other martyrs of the class struggle in Anatolia, Kürdistan, Armenia and the rest of the world will be remembered by all many species of earth for centuries.

Leontion Ejdi Gerdûn

1“There can be no doubt that the agrarian program of the workers revolution will include, parallel to the suppression of all land rent, a temporary redistribution of the croplands at the level of management, insofar as this will enable a uniform application of the labor power of that part of the peasant class that cannot be socially established among the workers of the collective enterprises(…) In the typical capitalist country, the revolutionary industrial working class will embrace without restrictions the agricultural worker of the large enterprises and in this way prevent the regression of the rural laborer to the condition of the small peasant. It could consider the semi-proletarian sharecroppers and leaseholders as allies; tolerating their aspiration to the free use of their land, something that only the revolution can achieve. Only with great caution and as a temporary measure could it expect any positive support from the small peasant landowners who have not yet been ruined and proletarianized by capitalism.” – Bordiga, Revolutionary Workers Movement and the Agrarian Question

2 “We once again insist, following the masters of Marxism, that production and reproduction are the same, quoting Engels when he defines reproduction, or the sensual and life-generating sphere of life, as the “production of the producers”… This is relevant because it reminds us just how important, in the consolidation of the structure of economic relations, is the sector of production that prepares food (and other things) that contributes to the preservation of the physical life of the worker, as well as the biological reproduction that prepares—with a major investment of consumption and productive efforts—the future replacements of the workers themselves… Race is a material chain of reproductive acts.” – Bordiga, The Guignol in History

3 Since if the Republic of Turkey in Anatolia doesn’t take the advice of the real Federation of Turkey in Central Asia, it’s going to have a lot of reparations to pay regarding the genocides of Armenian, Pontic, Assyrian and Kurdish peoples, something the proletarians of Anatolia and Kurdistan can’t and don’t want to afford.