Terror fears having less impact on travellers' plans to holiday in Europe: new research reports

Terror attacks are having less and less impact on the plans of holidaymakers, as travellers become more familiar with the global security threat, according to new research.

Analysing the length of time it took cities to return to normal booking levels in the wake of an attack, travel data experts ForwardKeys found that destinations now recover nearly twice as quickly as they did previously after suffering an attack.

Speaking at the World Travel and Tourism Council Global Summit in Bangkok, chief marketing officer Laurens van den Oever said that while advance bookings to Paris have only recently returned to normal levels since the 2015 November attacks, the Belgian capital Brussels took only 30 weeks to recover after the bombings it suffered in March last year. Data from ForwardKeys showed tourism in Nice recovered from its lorry atrocity in half that time, while levels of bookings to Berlin returned to normal after its terror attack in December last year in less than three months. Most recently, the data company found that bookings in the wake of the Westminster attack in London bounced back within three weeks.

"The attacks are obviously hard to compare," said CEO Oliver Jager. "Assuming they can be compared, the time for recuperation is much faster. The ability of ministers of tourism and the travel industry in general to react [are factors], and that people are getting used to it.

"You might get hit in your own city so you might as well travel."

Forwardkeys said that their data showed that long-haul travellers are now returning to Western Europe after the attacks of late 2015 and 2016.

"After 2016, which was a struggle for many destinations in western Europe, for the first time we are seeing a solid recovery for arrivals," said van den Oever.

"For Paris, after a range of attacks, it took months for arrivals to get back. The Brussels bombing had a severe impact. For Nice it was nearly half the time. And for Berlin and Westminster, within four to six weeks the situation was back to normal.

"Travellers are getting much more used to the fact that [terror attacks] can and will happen anywhere, and the industry is much more prepared to get back to normal as soon as possible."

Elsewhere in its analysis of bookings for the first quarter of 2017, ForwardKeys showed how Canada and Mexico are benefiting from a fall in visitors to the US following the election of Donald Trump.

The US saw a 4.3 per cent drop in bookings during the first three months of the year, while Canada and Mexico both recorded 6.1 per cent increases.

For the second quarter, Canada and Mexico are expecting much larger rises, of 15.7 per cent and 19.8 per cent, respectively.

At the time of Trump's inauguration, UK-based tour operator Canadian Affair was positioning the country as an alternative to visiting America.

The Telegraph, London

See also: Terrorism: the 'new normal' for today's traveller

See also: Terrorist attacks on tourists: Advice for travellers

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