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Digital Marketing Solutions

Audience Solutions

Find and connect with more buyers

Reaching your buyers in the ever-evolving digital landscape is more complex than ever. Simply finding them is one challenge. Realizing when they’re ready to buy is another. Fortunately for you, we’ve got both covered. In our 15+ years of experience in digital marketing, we’ve learned what makes B2B buyers tick. Whether you want to grab the attention of people who could become customers, show your message to a potential buyer who’s already shopping or bring back a visitor who left your site, we have solutions for every stage of the buying journey that will put your prospects on the path to purchase.

Persona Targeting
Persona Targeting

With the help of our proprietary audience data, we find people who match the profile of your ideal customers and display your ads to them on their favorite sites across the Web. Persona targeting drives brand awareness and fills the top of the funnel so that when these users are ready to buy, they’ll think of you.

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Behavioral Targeting
Behavioral Targeting

Marketing to people throughout the buying journey is crucial for attracting more customers. Behavioral targeting leverages current data about your potential buyers’ online activity — like product searches, content consumed, and competitor research — to find users who have already shown interest in your solutions and target them with your ads.

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Intent Targeting
Intent Targeting

The buying journey is going online more and more every day, which means you need to be a part of every stage as your customers surf and search. With MultiView Intent Targeting – our search engine marketing (SEM) solution – our B2B search experts tap into prospective buyers’ intentions and reach more searchers across multiple search engines with the right message at each stage of the buying journey. This way you’ll get a higher number of the high quality leads and conversions you’ve been looking for.

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The Definitive Guide To B2B Digital Advertising

The Ultimate B2B Advertising Strategy Marketers

Industry Solutions

Stand out in your industry

We get that you need to stand out in your industry. So we’ve created three easy ways for you to reach your potential buyers, and each have their own unique benefits. Association website advertising gives your brand the affinity marketing that comes from advertising with a leading industry authority. Buyers guides add pull marketing to your strategy by attracting people who already know they need a solution, but need to find the right provider. And news briefs are the push marketing piece of the puzzle that send your message to your potential buyers’ inboxes on a regular basis. Every one of these digital marketing solutions is designed to deliver real results and give you the best return for your advertising spend. It’s how we connect marketers like you to potential buyers every day.

Association Website Advertising & Retargeting
Association Website Advertising & Retargeting

Thousands of buyers visit the association website because it’s the industry authority, which is why advertising your company there is a highly effective strategy. We can even take your message beyond the association website by showing your ads to potential buyers on their favorite sites as they surf the Web.

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Buyers Guide Advertising
Buyers Guide Advertising

Our buyers guide is the ultimate industry search portal that we’ve completely revolutionized to enable industry members to research suppliers. When a potential buyer is ready to choose the best company to meet their needs, make sure they find you.

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News Brief Advertising
News Brief Advertising

Industry suppliers and buyers subscribe to the association news brief to stay up-to-date on the latest industry news and events. So, advertising in this publication associates your brand with relevant content and puts your message in their inbox every week.

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The Modern-Day B2B Buyer's Path To Purchase

Get the Ebook
Ebook the B2B Buying Journey Marketers

Content Marketing Solutions

Give valu-e,
get value

Offering value to your customers doesn’t end with the product you sell. The knowledge you have is important to potential buyers, and showing it off sets you apart from the competition. But we also know that the pressures of running a business don’t leave much time or resources for creating compelling content, and that’s where we can help. Instead of hiring a new employee, let our experienced content marketers turn your story and insights into blog articles, infographics, ebooks and other materials that are easy to share. Additionally, our social media managers keep the conversation going by growing and monitoring your online presence and acting as an extension of your staff. We’ll work with you to understand your business and design a custom program that builds your customers’ trust and your company’s pipeline.

Content Creation
Content Creation

Quality content starts a conversation with your audience, shows your thought leadership, and educates potential buyers. We create original branded content that resonates with your customers and also curate the most relevant industry content that builds your online presence. In short, you get all the benefits with none of the hassle.

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Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing

Your customers use social media to get the latest industry news and connect with companies like yours. Our social media marketers build a strategy to strengthen your brand on the channels that your buyers use most. And they actively manage your online reputation, monitoring the web and responding to anyone who is talking about you.

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