Continuing the fight for economic justice: the Barbadian sugar workers' 1958 wildcat strike - Constance R. Sutton

Continuing the fight for economic justice: the Barbadian sugar workers' 1958 wildcat strike - Constance R. Sutton

History of the 1958 sugar cane workers' wildcat strike in which workers at two adjoining plantations in Barbados refused to cut cane unless they were given a 15 cent per ton wage increase, before spreading plantations around the country.

Sutton_2005-libre.pdf1.08 MB


Mar 6 2015 21:43

Ms Sutton also chose the strike as the topic of her dissertation:

The Scene of the Action: A Wildcat Strike in Barbados

Mar 9 2015 12:29
wojtek wrote:
Ms Sutton also chose the strike as the topic of her dissertation:

The Scene of the Action: A Wildcat Strike in Barbados

it would be great if someone could add that to the history section as well

Mar 9 2015 16:17

If I remember I can do it later today.

Mar 9 2015 22:41


Mar 9 2015 23:11

Ok, it's uploaded here. Again, as I don't know much about what the text is about or anything like that, can someone else add an intro and more tags?