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Current Issue of The Guardian

May 3, 2017 - click here for index of articles.

Oppose bad laws

Asked whether the ACTU should distance itself from the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union, which has faced 118 separate legal proceedings in various courts around Australia, ACTU secretary Sally McManus responded, “There’s no way we’ll be doing that”.  more ...

May Day Greetings – The people united will win

The Communist Party of Australia sends greetings of solidarity to the workers of Australia and the world as they celebrate May Day – International Workers’ Day. The occasion this year is overshadowed by extremely worrying events that demand action on the part of the working class at the head of a mighty movement in support of peace with social justice. The immense suffering inflicted on Syria and Yemen, the destabilisation of Venezuela and other progressive governments in Latin America and the threats of a nuclear showdown against the DPRK are to the fore in our consciousness and planning as we observe May Day 2017.  more ...


Editorial – Mr Turnbull goes to Washington

A very relieved Australian Prime Minister is off to Washington to meet the US President in person, briefcase in hand with a wad of blank cheques. His greatest hope is to reverse the public humiliation of Donald Trump undiplomatically cutting short their phone call. The meeting is taking place on board the World War II aircraft carrier the USS Intrepid, now a museum. They will be marking the 75th anniversary of the Battle of the Coral Sea against the Japanese – an appropriate occasion for two leaders preparing to take their countries into another war.  more ...

Arts under Socialism

Last Thursday April 20, the CPA Politics in the Pub Perth presented Arts Under Socialism featuring Pilar Kasat, Olga Cironis and Christopher Crouch. All three speakers are involved in community arts and believe it is not adequately recognised in capitalist Australia. All had some knowledge and experience of arts in a socialist system from having attended primary school in a socialist state to engaging with artists from socialist countries such as Cuba.  more ...

Regional Australia – Real jobs plan needed

Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU) representatives appeared before the Senate Finance and Public Administration committee on April 11 looking into a recent government decision to relocate the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) from Canberra to Armidale, NSW.  more ...

Climate change – Looking back and looking forward

When Richard Nixon was US President (late ’60s - early’70s) a government scientific report anticipated climate change. It advocated “climate engineering” initiatives to deal with an expected “greenhouse effect”, a rise in global temperatures caused by the release of industrial carbon gases into the atmosphere.  more ...

The beach shacks, an amazing saga

During the Great Depression, parts of the Royal National Park south of Sydney were occupied by unemployed workers, mostly miners from the Illawarra region. Some of the shacks they built remain. Only reached by walking tracks, they provide physical evidence of the historic occupation of the area and rare examples of Depression era housing.  more ...

Taking Issue – The moral clarity of a media rant

Murdoch’s tabloid rag The Daily Telegraph really got its knickers in a twist on April 11 when well-known progressive academic Tim Anderson used social media to contradict the capitalist mass media line that the Syrian government had launched a deadly attack on its own people with poison gas.  more ...

Poem – Union Maid

There once was a union maid who never was afraid
Of the neo-cons and the ult-right nongs
And the sleazy bosses who underpaid.
On the 7.30 Report, she told them what she thought,
That where an unfair law is found we’ll always stand our ground.
more ...

Quote of the Week

The only way to end poverty is to give power to the poor.

Hugo Chávez

This web page was last updated: Wednesday, May 3, 2017

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