Topic of the Week: Your 12 point program

  • Posted on: 8 May 2017
  • By: thecollective

What's your list of things that you think all anarchists either should do or already do? Are they concrete things or abstract? How often do you live up to your own list? What are the things that are crucial (like, if folks don't do them they're not anarchists)? Put another way, is your list mostly definitional or aspirational (remember, Ursula Le Guin says she's not good enough to be an anarchist). Is your list a response to current events or to your life thus far?

Italy – For a Dangerous June

  • Posted on: 8 May 2017
  • By: thecollective

For a Dangerous June, We call for mobilization in the month of June in solidarity with anarchist, revolutionary and rebel individualities
Received and translated:
For a Dangerous June
A text that sums up the ideas expressed during the meetings ‘With our heads held high

State repression is the most important part of the system of dominion and one of its most disgraceful expressions; it doesn’t surprise us that those who are struck most are historically those who don’t let themselves be recuperated by the system of power, i.e. anarchist, revolutionary and rebel individualities.

“Confronting your Domestication” and “Rewilding”

  • Posted on: 8 May 2017
  • By: thecollective

From Miko-Ew

By Sokaksin

“May I ask how you confront your own domestication?”

I was asked this question a while back by someone that I have crossed paths with and from the outset it has always struck me as an odd question. It seems to be all the rage among anarcho-primitivist circles to talk about “rewilding” oneself, “confronting one’s own domestication,” reclaiming one’s own “wildness,” and on and on and on. These same people set out on extended camping trips with a few of their buddies to rough it on the back acres of some ranch building primitive shelters, hunting and prepping with primitive weapons and tools and generally kindling fires of the little homunculus of the “IR hunter/gatherer” in their heart.

Retiring the poor old A-word

  • Posted on: 7 May 2017
  • By: thecollective

From The Match!, Issue No. 116, Summer 2017

From the Editor

About 68% of my life span has gone into the publication of this journal, up to now. That's not an easy figure to achieve, believe me. It means that The Match has been coming out for about 20% of the entire time that the USA has existed and about 1.6% of the time that the pyramids have stood. I hope it lasts a lot longer and I'm going to do my best to see that it does.

Announcing the 2017 Seattle Anarchist Book Fair

  • Posted on: 6 May 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From 2017 Seattle Anarchist Book Fair

“It is happening again…”

We are happy to announce the return of the Seattle Anarchist Book Fair. This year the book fair will be on Saturday, August 26th, and this year we will be returning to our longtime home, the Vera Project at Seattle Center.

11 Things Every Anarchist Should Be Doing

  • Posted on: 6 May 2017
  • By: thecollective

From The Fifth Column

by Justin King • May 5, 2017

Anarchism. It’ll happen if we just wish hard enough, right? Or should we begin taking concrete steps to hasten its arrival? If you believe anarchism will suddenly appear as a viable society because we want it to, or because the inevitable collapse of the current unsustainable system will usher it in, you’re dismissed. Bringing about an idea as revolutionary as self-government will take work. For many of us, we are probably planting the seeds of a shade tree we will never have the pleasure of sitting under. The process must begin and it must continue. Below is a list of things every anarchist, regardless of hyphen, should begin engaging in.
