Monthly Archives: April 2012

Tell us your story: the Squash Campaign is collecting case studies

The Squash Campaign is collecting case studies of people impacted by the new law criminalising squatting. Many communities will be shattered by this new law. Some children will be impacted. People will be made homeless as they are forced to leave properties that will be left to rot. We are especially interested in stories of people who have been in their homes for years, in buildings that have been left empty. Are you or do you know any squatters who would be willing to share their stories with us?

Squash Picnic Attendees facing SOCPA charges

The following piece has been written by Ashleigh Marsh who is currently being prosecuted under SOCPA legislation for her role is taking part at a picnic and sleep-out on the Xxth October 2011, in order to visually show the effect that the criminalisation of squatting would have on between 20-50,000 people in England and Wales, ie having to sleep rough. Ashleigh is active in her community, for example working to get a new skateboard park built for local people in Woolwich, one of most deprived areas in London. SQUASH fully support Ashleigh and her two co-defendants as they face charges, […]

So have they banned squatting already?

We have just received verification that the new law, criminalising squatting in residential properties will come into effect on September 1st 2012. You can see the commencement order on the government’s website here From the ASS website: Not everyone who is squatting, or considered by others to be squatting, will be affected by the new law, but people will need to be prepared to explain, quite forcefully at times, why they are not affected. The wording of S144 starts: (1)A person commits an offence if— (a) the person is in a residential building as a trespasser having entered it as […]

Council pays £440,000 so security firm can exploit tenants

In the UK the homeless have traditionally been allowed to legally occupy long-term empty property. These rights were critical at key moments in history (such as after the WW2 when Britain experienced a housing crisis and squatting was rife). Squatters’ rights came to an end on March 27th when the government criminalised squatting in residential properties. The new law will come into effect in a matter of months…

Bristol Squattastic statement: Whatever they say…

Fight the anti-squatting bill! Assemble 1pm outside Metropolis, Stokes Croft. Saturday 14th April

Squatting criminalised by ‘sham democracy’

This calls for an organised response. As has been recognised by SQUASH: “This has always been a right-wing attack to defend and enhance private property rights over the human right to shelter and we now have to defend ourselves”. That defence does not play itself out in the upholstered arena of sham-democratic institutions such as the House of Lords. It happens on the streets, and in empty properties up and down the country…