Tag Archives: occupation

SQUASH NewsRound: All Hallows Eve-Guy Fawkes 2013 Special Edition

SQUASH NewsRound: All Hallows Eve-Guy Fawkes 2013 Special Edition: stories in this edition include: 1) Two Years Ago and the Squatting Picnic, 2) Interview from the Park Street Occupation, 3) Ashmount School Occupation, 4) Dissident Island Radio Show, 5) Squatters Win s144 Appeals (Brighton, Wales), 6) “Weatherley is a Coward” Case Continues, 7) Non-Commercial House Remembered, and STRIKE! Now Out

Park Street Occupation, Southwark

Housing activists have occupied a property 21 & 23 Park Street, just off Borough market which was owned by Southwark council. The building which has been derelict for ages, basically falling apart with just scaffolding to keep it up, was auctioned with a starting price of £2.3 million and sold for £2.9 million, making it the most expensive council house sold. The occupation is also a challenge to section 114 of the Legal Aid Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act (LASPO) introduced last September which criminalised squatting in residential properties. Blog includes links to Our Media and Mainstream Media (MSM) articles on the occupation.