Squatting survey

This survey is part of the SQUASH campaign to stop the criminalisation of squatting by the current government.

We are collecting data and case studies to demonstrate that squatting is a positive force, and to highlight the abuses by landlords, bailiffs and the police in their dealings with squatters. The questions below look at various aspects of squatting, and the information collected here will be used to demonstrate the financial and social impact of squatting, the costs associated with bringing a new law into force, and provide a snapshot of squatting in 2011.

All these areas are important in trying to oppose the upcoming law changes. All information provided will be kept confidential and anonymous. However if you are happy to be contacted by SQUASH, to follow up on some of the information you provide (e.g. case studies), please leave your email address below.

You do not have to answer any question you feel uncomfortable providing the information for (eg it is personal information, answering it might implicate you in a criminal or civil offence, etc). While we would like as much information as possible, your peace of mind is more important.

Survey Questions

*(denotes required field)

Squatting and your squat

Your personal situation

The effects of the law on you