
For information on the SQUASH campaign get in contact with info [ at ] squashcampaign [ dot ] org

For media inquiries please get in contact with press [ at ] squashcampaign [ dot ] org or on the press phone 07435 704 038  – if no answer, leave a message or send us a text, and we will get back to you.

Join our mailing list above for occasional, brief updates.

Journalists, Mainstream Media, Students, Academics

What SQUASH can do: Give interviews, quotes, and soundbites about the SQUASH campaign and the squatting situation in England and Wales. Apart from squatting, SQUASH is able to comment on these topics: property guardians, gentrification, empty properties, homelessness and the housing crisis.

    • We are happy to give interviews for television, radio, documentary and press content. SQUASH reserve the right to refuse any interview, and requires interviewers to pass on links to the finished product so that SQUASH is able to track misquoting, messaging, publicity, etc.
    • We are happy to give recorded interviews to students, academics and researchers, up to 1 hour. We ask that all interviews are cited to “Squatters Actions for Secure Homes (SQUASH)”, include our website, and a copy of the final research is emailed to us for checking.

What SQUASH can’t do: Provide access to squats and squatters. For good reason, squatters do not like talking to the mainstream media/ academics, however liberal and charitable the intentions. Squats are also very temporary and transient which makes contact difficult. SQUASH is not in a position to act as an intermediary between journalists/ researchers and squatters. We advise that you contact a public-facing, media-friendly squat when they happen (eg to save a venue, stop demolition) and make any request to them directly. Squats generally have a media policy and they will inform you whether you are welcome to interview them or not.

General Enquiries

SQUASH, as a campaign organisation, is able to help directing people to resources on our website, and externally, where they can get additional information about squatting and housing issues. We welcome comments on the website, resources, and offers of help.

However we do not have the expertise to answer detailed legal questions, how to start squatting, available places to squat, or other such.

For advice on squatting the Advisory Service For Squatters have all the information. or 0203 216 0099

Or check our “Squat Groups” page for information about other groups that may be able to help.