Monthly Archives: September 2015

Squatting Spring – 2015

Stories in SQUASH NewsRound: Squatting Spring 2015

  • Fight for the Aylesbury
  • Sweets Way & Guinness Trust Occupation
  • Liverpool Love Activists
  • Reclaim Brixton
  • Autonomous Nation of Anarchist Libertarians (aka ANAL)
  • Elephant & Castle Social Centre
  • Brighton Radical Bank
  • Peterborough Squatters Autonomy
  • Queer Punx @ The Black Cap
  • Land Squats – Runnymede Eco-Village & Grow Heathrow
  • Global – Ireland & Brazil
  • “Homes, Not Jails” & Further Case Studies

Runnymede Eco-Village in Epic Court Battle – Sept 2015

Runnymede is in court, making a constitutional case for why they should remain in occupation. Like all possession cases, the law is rigged in favour of the land-title holders in the interests of that sacred cow, private property. However, the legal team for Runnymede are putting together a bold case, that references a whole gamut of law (common, European, Human and Constitutional), that hits at the heart of land-relations in this time of modern enclosure.