Monthly Archives: January 2015

Urgent – Help Save the 12 Bar, Soho

The squatted 12 Bar in Soho is now the frontline against the complete redevelopment of the West End and Soho. Having executed a brilliant open-mic last Friday (with acts like the Bohemianauts, and Smiley and the Underlass), they are now up in court on Wednesday, facing an Interim Possession Order (IPO) on the building. At an open community meeting on Monday night, ex-employees of the 12 Bar, local workers, students, activists, bohemians and supporters came together to discuss how we could save this culturally significant venue from being demolished. Resist, Occupy, Win!

Squatters Bloc at March for Homes – Sat 31st January

Defend Council Housing and South London People’s Assembly called the “March for Homes” last year, setting a date for Saturday, 31st January 2015. While there was a slow take-up at first, more groups are now getting involved. The Radical Housing Network endorsed the march a few weeks ago, and squatters are organising a squat bloc for the big day. Spread it, network it, get down there.

SQUASH Newsround: December 2014 – January 2015

Stories in SQUASH NewsRound: December 2014 – January 2015

Solidarity for Chanti Ollin, Mexico
Parliamentary Whispers
Love Activists Cause Christmas Storm
Occupy Democracy & Operation Safe Winter
Upcoming Events - January 2015
Positive Media - Videos
Positive Media - Articles
Negative Media - Articles