Fairfax Media Network

Weather Warnings - Warning to Sheep Graziers

Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology

Cancellation of Warning to Sheep Graziers
for the King Island, North West Coast, Midlands, East Coast and South East
forecast districts.

Issued at 4:20 pm EST on Wednesday 26 April 2017.

The Warning to Sheep Graziers for the King Island, North West Coast, Midlands,
East Coast and South East forecast districts has been cancelled.

No further warnings will be issued for this event.

Now Temperature

At Montague Is

12:30 EST





Increasing sunshine


Weather News

North Queensland chills

09:54 EST

Some inland areas of Northern Queensland have had their coldest April morning in at least 60 years.

Fog and low cloud glooming southern Australia

14:41 EST

Large areas of southern Australia can expect a foggy start to the next few mornings, reducing visibility for the first few hours, even in the southeastern capitals.

Dry taste for tropics

11:51 EST

The strongest southeasterly wind surge since last Dry Season has swept out any lingering sticky humidity from the summer over a large swathe of the central and eastern tropics.