The Sydney Morning Herald

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Roxy Jacenko seen kissing ex-lover Nabil Gazal while husband Oliver Curtis in jail

Andrew Hornery

Published: May 1 2017 - 4:13PM

An elaborate publicity stunt orchestrated right down to the placement of a seemingly innocent garnish, or a late-night lovers' tryst caught in the lens of a paparazzo?

It's the question being asked across Sydney on Monday morning as publicity seeking missile Roxy Jacenko once again sets the "news" agenda, this time for being photographed in a passionate embrace and kissing her former lover, millionaire property developer Nabil Gazal jnr, on Saturday night while her husband, jailed inside trader Oliver Curtis, serves his sentence in Cooma prison.

It all started on Saturday night when Jacenko arrived for dinner at one of her clients' restaurants in Rushcutters Bay.

She was conveniently positioned under a light in full view of the window, outside which was a photographer.

Sitting by her side was Gazal, the man PS revealed months ago had been spending a lot of time privately with Jacenko, although she has constantly denied anything inappropriate was going on as her husband remained behind bars.

Just days ago, when asked on radio about her marital status, she confirmed that she was still "a wife".

Jacenko left the restaurant ahead of Gazal, although the pair later met friends at his multimillion-dollar New Beach Road abode in Darling Point, where, in the early hours of Sunday morning, they were photographed kissing passionately, standing in full view of a large glass window looking out over the street below.

It was not terribly discreet.

Last month, PS revealed Jacenko was wearing a $50,000 diamond eternity ring which had originally been a pendant given to her by Gazal at Christmas.

The story was verified by two independent sources despite Jacenko's denials. She has since stopped wearing the ring in  public.

Jacenko has not responded to PS' call's since the latest photos of her with Gazal were published online.

She has long maintained that, while her marriage with Curtis, the father of her two young children Pixie and Hunter, has been bumpy, it remains intact.

Ten days ago, she was quoted telling The Gold Coast Bulletin: "My aim was to keep it normal for Pixie and Hunter. Their father went to work one day and never came home. My duty is to protect them. Their father isn't there so I need to be there 200 per cent of the time."

​She also claimed she did not indulge in the party lifestyle.

"When you're a business owner I think you have to realise it's not all champagne and canapes," she said.

"I'm the girl who stacks the fridge and changes the toilet rolls. If there's an event, I host the door; I'm not in the event drinking champagne."

Throughout Saturday night and into the small hours of Sunday morning Jacenko appeared quite at home inside Gazal's apartment, as a stream of visitors came and went well into the night.

While there was no sign of her children at Gazal's place, Jacenko was still seen at the residence once the sun had risen on Sunday, although a short time later she uploaded a shot claiming to be from brunch with her mother, Doreen, in Double Bay.

The brunch shot, of what appeared to be bacon on scrambled eggs with smashed avocado, bore a striking similarity to the meal Jacenko had at the same venue, and which she had uploaded, on March 28, right down to the placement of the garnish.

A few hours later she uploaded another image on Instagram with her son Hunter, supposedly out buying him a new toy on Sunday.

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