
Colombia: international solidarity with Mateo Gutiérrez; critical thought is not terrorism!

Mateo Gutiérrez León is a committed and critical student of the 5th semester of sociology at the National University of Colombia, Bogota, an excellent companion, son, friend and possesses an active mind and solidarity with various national issues that he considers unfair and the product of that social manipulation. Today he is the victim of a false judicial verdict.

2011: Ohio Death Row Inmates Hunger Strike

The four death row inmates

Four inmates in death row for there role in the Lucasville Prison Rebellion were kept in extreme solitary confinement, in desperation they hunger struck to receive the same treatment as other death row inmates.

2010: State Wide Prisoner Strike in Georgia

1995: Full Sutton Prisoners Strike

History of a strike at Full Sutton prison that was broken up by the riot squad

1971: New Mexican Prison Strike

This strike by New Mexico penitentiary inmates has been overshadowed by the more violent and dramatic uprising in 1980, though many of the causes and tensions were the same.

1973: Prisoners Take Control of Walpole Prison

In 1973 inmates at Walpole prison took advantage of a prison guards strike to take control of the day to day running of the facility.

2001-02: California Prisoner Hunger Strike

1953: Prisoner Strikes at the Vorkuta Gulag

In 1953 following news of Stalin's death inmates in gulag complex in Vorkuta struck in protest of their conditions. In response the Soviet Authorities violently crushed the strike.

1919: Prison Strikes at Fort Leavenworth

In 1919 the prison population for military prisons had swelled. In response to the pressure and arbitrary sentencing inmates at the Fort Leavenworth prison started a series of prison strikes.

Black Panthers at 50: Reflections on their legacy

Black Panther logo

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, founded in Oakland, California. I went to the Oakland Museum of California to see the exhibit "All Power to the People: Black Panthers at 50" and it got me to reflect on how the Panthers and other movements of that era affected many radical projects that continued in their legacy.