
Andrea Salsedo of Pantelleria

Andrea Salsedo of Pantelleria

A short account of the life of Italian anarchist Andrea Salsedo, who was killed in 1920 by a "fall" from a police station window in New York.

Stop the threats of the Mexican State against our militant comrade Adrián!

In early April, the state government of Hidalgo threatened to "start investigations" and take criminal actions against three militants who promote different community resistances in the region. Among them, is our brother and militante comrade Adrián Medina, criminalized in conjunction with Lorenzo Bautista and Armando Monter in many local media and newspapers to facilitate his detention or any repressive act directly against him.

The Jackson State shootings, 1970

Jackson State women's dormitory window

A short account of the shooting of several black students and bystanders by police on the night of May 14/15, 1970.

Spycops inquiry delayed until late 2019

In a double-whammy ruling Sir Christopher Pitchford has said his inquiry into misconduct by police undercovers will hear no formal evidence before the second half of 2019 — but exonerated the Met of using delaying tactics.

Database of repression of the IWW, 1906-1920

An IWW office after a police raid, 1919

A table detailing hundreds of instances of state and employer repression of the revolutionary Industrial Workers of the World union in the United States in the early part of the 20th century.

The San Francisco “White Night” Riots of 1979: Bruce Martinez

An essay on the causes of the 1979 "White Night Riots" and the role of harassment by the San Francisco Police in contributing the violent self defence by the large LGBTQ community in the city.

1979: The White Night Riot

Brief history of what became known as the White Night Riots in the aftermath of the murder of openly gay supervisor Harvey Milk and progressive mayor George Muscone.

Ferguson is Familiar to Indigenous Australians: Larissa Behrendt

Indigenous Australia knows the cynicism exposed by Michael Brown’s killing in Ferguson

CIA Death Squads: Allan Nairn

Allan Nairn on the decades of direct CIA involvement in Guatemalan death squads.

Policing the Chartists

Policing the Chartist disturbances in Birmingham, 1838. Engraving from 1886 book

In response to the growing Charist movement the government turned to the army and the police to maintain control of the northern districts. As a result modern policing developed and the practice of loaning out Metropolitan Police to hot spots began.