
Little girls

An account written in 1895 by Zo d'Axa of the 1891 trial of two teenage anarchist girls, Maria Roda, 15, and Ernesta Quartirola, accused of encouraging attacks on the police during an anarchist demonstration.

Legal action doesn't get the goods

Anti-Uber protest photographed by David Holt

The recent employment tribunal ruling against Uber is not the end of the 'gig-economy' and might not change anything

Revolutionaries Behind Closed Doors

Capitalism intrudes on the daily life of a mental health worker.

La Proceso

Romano de Franz Kafka, la proceso estas pri la luktado de "K" kontraŭ la leĝa sistemo.

Down in the Jungle

DAVID DOWNES is 23 and for the past two years has been doing post-graduate research on juvenile delinquency in East London for the LSE.

Anti State, Anti Capital, Anti Psychiatry

Anti-psychiatry is the belief that the psychiatric system is a system of social control masquerading behind made-up science. The Marxist anti-psychiatry movement failed because of it's overly intellectual focus and the inability of its key thinkers to put theory into practice. However, with mental health very much on the political agenda, there are lessons that can be learned from the work of R D Laing and David Cooper.

No to the extradition of comrades: the Free5 solidarity campaign

A solidarity campaign is underway in Greece to block the extradition to Italy of five students in regards to the events in Milan on the 1st May. This is a case that will have implications for international organising.

Pratt and Smith: the last UK men hanged for sodomy - Frank Ryan

Contemporary illustration of their hanging

A short account of the 1835 execution of two London working men, James Pratt and John Smith, the last to be put to death for homosexuality.

Public inquiry on undercover policing: urgent deadline to register as core participant

Undercover police posing as activists

Public pressure has forced the Home Secretary into announcing a Public Inquiry into undercover policing in the UK. If you have, or it's quite likely you have been, involved in a campaign/activist group/movement that was infliltrated by undercover police operatives in the last few decades, now is the time to register as a Core Participant in the Inquiry...