Labour Party

The general election: more ruling class mystification

The electoral process is a fraud offering only capitalist choices. It will not end austerity for millions of workers. The working class has already discovered its own form of direct democracy but this can only become operative in the active struggle to step up our fight not just for better living standards but against the system which is reducing them.

Karl Marx: An Essay (1921) Harold Laski

Karl Marx: An Essay (1921) Harold Laski

Part of the series of biographies of Karl Marx.
Harold Laski was a member of the Labour Party (UK) and this work was published for the Fabian Society. We disagree with the politics of these groups but reproduce this text for reference.

Why? Vol. 1, No. 3 (June 1942)

The Vol. 1, No. 3 (June 1942) issue of Why?, an anarchist publication produced out of New York City from 1942-1947.

Thoughts on the movement, or why we still don't even Corbyn - Joseph Kay and Ed Goddard

Registering to vote in the 2016 Labour leadership election raised £4,588,525.

It’s a lonely world these days for an anti-parliamentary socialist with all politics seeming to have taken a back seat to the current Labour Party shenanigans. While the deluge of establishment groupthink currently arrayed on Corbyn is as disgusting as it is cynical, we're still not pinning any hopes on him in the (now quite likely) event he comes out on top in the next leadership election.

Labour party debate What is Socialism?

Is Labour Government the Way to Socialism 1946 SPGB pamphlet cover

Transcript of the opening remarks of a debate between Steve Coleman (for the Socialist Party of Great Britain) and Councillor Laurence Spigel (for the Labour party) taking place on 4 April 1985 at the Duke of York in London. Full audio recording also available online.

The real movement we need

Some thoughts on building mass movements and organising, in relation to the Labour Party

The Keir Hardie Myth

New mural at Peace Passage based on Keir Hardie speaking at an anti war rally ju

From Socialist Standard March 1961
The myth about Keir Hardie's attitude to war is very persistent. At an anti-Polaris rally in Glasgow last December, the Co-operative Movement representative had only to refer to him, ". . . if we could get Keir Hardie here . . ." to have his words drowned by applause. Whatever the sentiments of the audience may have been, it was certainly in error about Hardie's attitude to war.

5 reasons to steer clear of the Labour Party bandwagon

After a campaign that seemed to drag on endlessly in the wake of the general election, Jeremy Corbyn has won the Labour Party leadership by a landslide. The most immediate consequence of this has been a surge in membership. Here are some reasons not to get caught up in the tide.

So, the government got in…

The election results are in. The Tories can form a majority government to rule for the next five years. Now what?

Brief response to '4 reasons working-class radicals should vote Labour’ on Novara

A brief response to the issues raised by AWL member, Daniel Randall, in his article (4 Reasons Working Class Radicals Should Vote Labour) that was recently posted on the Novara Media website….